Eagles News

Today Eagles have travelled the world looking at a range of amazing structures. We visited Paris and viewed the Eiffel Tower before travelling thousands of miles to Sydney in Australia to see the Sydney Opera House. The children worked in groups to explore different structures. In groups, children had to answer the key question: What …

To start our new topic on Structures, the children were challenged to work as a team and create a standing tower. They were provided with newspaper and sellotape, but no more information was shared. The concentration was intense. We will complete the activity again when we have practised specific techniques. Watch this space!

Today the chicks moved into Eagles classroom for their last few days at Tranmere. We were all extremely excited! This afternoon we got the chicks out and had the opportunity to hold them and take care of them. In Science we have been learning about the basic needs of living things. We took great care …

What super costumes the children came in today to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of World Book Day.  To promote reading for pleasure we buddied up with Red Kites and listened to each other read. We did lots of book related activities throughout the day and listen to Mrs Finley read her children’s favourite story ‘Burglar …

We’ve had the same question every morning for a while now, ‘Are the chicks coming today?’ Well yesterday their dreams came true, Debs from Eggucation arrived with 20 eggs all ready to hatch. They started last night and throughout the day, we have seen 10 chicks hatch out of the egg. The children have been …

This afternoon, Eagles class went to visit our newly arrived eggs in their incubator. The eggs were all different colours which we learnt was because we have eggs from lots of different breeds of chicken. We were very lucky as one had already started to hatch! We look forward to meeting our new chicks in …

Keeping fit and healthy in KS1 | 18 Feb 2022

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons learnt about the benefits of exercise for keeping us healthy in Science. They predicted which activities would raise their heartbeat and then tried them out.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our topic this half term. We’ve learnt all about ‘The First Moon Landing’, Neil Armstrong and ‘The Great Fire of London.’ The children have amazed us with just how enthusiastic they have been to complete extra learning at home and they’ve enjoyed sharing this learning with the class. To conclude our …

In Eagles class the children have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London.’ We have sequenced the events of ‘The Great Fire’ and looked closely at a range of sources including content from Samuel Pepy’s diary, books and DVD footage. Today, the children worked in groups to answer key questions about ‘The Great Fire …

The focus of Children’s Mental Health Week this year was ‘Growing Together’. We watched an online assembly on how to improve our own mental health and how to find help if we need it. Eagles have created their own support bubbles and written the names of people around their balloons who have helped them to …
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