Eagles News

Today saw the end of our ‘We Are What We Eat’ topic which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. Over the last half term we have been busy learning about the work of Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We’ve completed observational food based sketches and paintings, learnt about healthy eating and rounded it all off with a …

KS1 Make Clay Pots | 13 Jun 2022

Children created their own clay pot to be used as a dipping bowl as part of our topic work. They used many skills including rolling and coiling. They also used slip and smoothing tools to attach the coils together. When the bowls dried, we decorated them using paint, ensuring a secondary colour was mixed. We …

This week, Eagles have been continuing their learning of numbers to 100. Today, the children partitioned numbers to 100 into tens and ones or in the case of 100, hundreds, tens and ones! The children used practical apparatus to deepen their understanding and showed an excellent understanding of today’s mathematical vocabulary. Well done Eagles!

As part of our topic work, the children have been completing observational drawings of a broad range of fruit. The children have used their recent learning on colour mixing to support their painting. The children mixed the secondary colours and used white and black to lighten/darken their shades of colour. They also utilised their recent …

This summer, Queen Elizabeth II has her platinum jubilee – the longest reign of any British monarch! In the 70 years that she has been queen, the world has changed in many ways. Each year group at Tranmere Park have researched a decade and created a collage. These collages, collected as one, tell a story …

As part of our art work we have been working on our brush strokes. First we had a first attempt at painting a tree. The concentration was intense and there are some really good results. We then have used thick and thin paint brushes to practise different techniques. Take a look at our work. We …

As part of our topic work, we have been learning about the Eatwell Plate and what our bodies need for a healthy diet. We talked about the fact that our bodies need a range of foods to be healthy and that foods high in sugar/fat should be eaten less frequently/as a treat. Our lesson today …

KS1 Science Glitter Germs | 13 May 2022

KS1 learnt how important it was to have good hygiene and wash their hands carefully this week. We pretended that different coloured glitters were different germs. The children chose a glitter and rubbed it onto their hands. Next, they shook hands with their classmates and discovered how easily it spread. We discussed all the times …

To conclude our fruit based activities this week, (linked to the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo) the children practised their food technology skills preparing a fruit salad. The children used the bridge and claw techniques to cut the fruit and to prepare it for eating. We then spent a moment in the sunshine enjoying our creation. …

This week, Eagles have been learning to subtract two numbers where they have had to cross ten. We have used tens frames and counters to calculate our answers and have practised writing calculations using – and = symbols.
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