Eagles News

This half-term, our English lessons focus on ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Eagles have enjoyed reading the story, asking questions and sequencing the story events. We have worked in groups to act out parts of the story. We divided up the roles of mother, tiger, Sophie and father and remembered as many key parts …

As part of our work on place value, the children have been representing numbers in different ways. Today, the children used the ‘write it, draw it, show it’ grids to represent their learning. The children were excellent at checking their counting and worked jars to form their numbers correctly. Well done Eagles!

As our entry point for our new topic ‘Toys,’ the children arrived this morning to find that the classroom had been turned into ‘The Magic Toymaker’s Workshop!’ Not long after their arrival, we received a letter from him, explaining that whilst he couldn’t be there to greet us today (he was extremely busy making and …

Today, Eagles class have been sorting a range of objects into groups. The children sorted objects according to their colour, size or type. Here we are enjoying our practical Maths session!

Queen Elizabeth II | 12 Sep 2022

Following the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Tranmere Park pupils have paid their respects by celebrating and reflecting on her achievements and importance to the UK. Take a look at our pictures below.

As part of our local area study, the children have explored aerial photographs. They looked closely at key features of the Tranmere Park Estate and sorted them into those that were examples of physical or human geography. We ended the lesson by being geography detectives and finding the location of Barnaby Bear who had gone …

As part of our local geography study we have been learning about the UK. We have learnt to identify the countries, capital cities, landmarks and seas surrounding the four countries of the United Kingdom. We have played lots of practical games and have used atlases to deepen our understanding.

As part of our work on multiplication, Eagles class have been recognising equal groups. Today, they extended this learning by adding together equal groups using different methods to calculate the answer. Mrs Wright was incredibly impressed with the children’s independence and enthusiasm in today’s lesson. Well done Year 1!

KS1 Entry Point – Around the UK! | 28 Jun 2022

As part of our local geography study, the children have kicked off this half term’s topic by visiting the four countries of the United Kingdom. They have taken part in the Highland games in Scotland, completed a quiz in Wales, used atlases to explore England and learnt some Irish dancing in Northern Ireland. The children …

Wow! What a fantastic workshop we have had. AnimalsUK visited KS1 and we got to learn about lots of different animals. The children had the opportunity to hold and feel a tortoise, snake, skunk, tarantula and a meerkat. The children had so many excellent questions for Laura too. What an exciting opportunity!
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