Eagles News

Today saw the start of our new topic – but what was it going to be? Today, the children were given an orienteering challenge. Using a simple orienteering map and key, the children had to find letters hidden around the school site. Once all of the letters had been found, our new topic would be …

Happy pancake day! As part of our school council meeting today, we were given a very special treat as a thank you for all of our hard work so far this year. They were delicious!!

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we have reintroduced our buddy system across school. Puffins and Eagles have been lucky enough to be paired up together and this week, we were able to meet up twice! On Monday, we just introduced ourselves and got to know our buddies. On Friday, we were able to …

Ed and the School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to Team Tranmere for all of the wonderful donations that have been given for the food bank. Everyone has been so generous and we know that this donation will make a big difference to those in need.

As part of this year’s theme ‘Want to talk about it?’, we first discussed the wide range of ways in which we use the internet and the ways in which the internet can be accessed. The children brainstormed their ideas in pairs. We then discussed how when we access sites online, some of our information …

Today we concluded our topic ‘Journeys and Transport.’ The children planned a very exciting trip to Cancun, Mexico. Completing a carousel of activities, the children experienced three different tasks. Whilst working around the classrooms, the children planned their route and methods of transport, identified activities that visitors could take part in whilst in Cancun and …

In Eagles, we have been looking at different animal poems. We have discussed the 3 important R’s: rhyme, rhythm and repetition. The children chose their favourite animal poems to perform. They picked Undersea Tea and Monkey Tricks. We rehearsed in small groups and then performed as a whole class.  We talked about reading clearly and …

Today, Eagles class have been learning about the 5 Oceans of the World (Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Southern and Indian). After watching a clip from ‘Blue Planet’ by David Attenborough on the wonders of our oceans, the children developed their geographical understanding by naming the 5 oceans and set to work, locating them on their globes. …

This week is National Storytelling Week. To help celebrate this, the School Council have hosted a storytelling competition. Those who wanted to enter needed to write a story (true or made up) and hand it in to their class councillor. On Friday, the councillors got together to choose a selection of their favourite stories. These …

As part of our Geography learning this half term, the children have been learning about the 7 continents of the World. To help them retain this key information, we decided to get creative! Today, the children have created their own globes using a blue balloon. They have carefully placed each of the continents onto their …
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