In Maths today, the children have been focusing on the numbers 14, 15 and 16. We have been recognising the place value of each digit in these numbers and have been representing them in various ways.
Today KS1 had a fantastic combined Muddy Puddles Day/Exit Point, concluding our topic of ‘Time Travellers.’ The children have absolutely loved this topic so it was lovely to finish with such a practical activity that summed up our learning this half term. Today, Alfresco Learning delivered our wonderfully engaging workshop. The children had ‘hands on’ …
We are well and truly loving our history topic this half term and are enjoying any opportunity to delve deeper into the past and find out more! As part of our work on the Great Fire of London, we have been looking at extracts from Samuel Pepys’ diary. We have also looked at paintings from …
Today Ks1 took part in a fantastic workshop run by no other than Samuel Pepys himself! The children enjoyed stepping back over 350 years to ‘The Great Fire of London’ and learning more about what Samuel witnessed during this historic event. The Great Fire formed only a very small part of his diary but we …
Eagles have continued their topic work on ‘Time Travellers’ and have started to travel back in time beyond living memory to 1666 and the time of ‘The Great Fire of London.’ Today, the children learnt about London in the present day using Google Earth and aerial photographs. We used these tools to help us to …
This week we have been learning about Neil Armstrong and ‘The First Moon Landing.’ We have read a range of interesting books and have watched clips in order to find out more about him and his exploration into Space. Today, we worked in pairs to mind map facts about Neil Armstrong. We then shared these …
Eagles have been learning how to subtract using a number line. Today, they worked practically to solve calculations and a range of maths challenges. Here we are at work!
Today is national ‘No Pens Day’ so Mrs Wright has hidden all of our pencils and pens and we are enjoying a day of speaking, listening and practical lessons. In maths, we used practical equipment to represent numbers and number fans to demonstrate our understanding. We enjoyed talking through different maths problems with the class …
This week, year 1 visited Bradford Industrial Museum. As part of our topic ‘All Dressed Up,’ we wanted to learn how cloth is made from wool. We got to complete the process ourselves – sorting the wool, carding, spinning and finally weaving. We learnt about the life of children in the mills over 100 years …
In Maths, the children have been exploring number bonds. Using practical apparatus, they investigated pairs of numbers that add together to make numbers within 10. The children enjoyed investigating these number facts and worked well to record their findings using the addition and equals symbols. Great work Eagles!