Author Archives: Miss Taylor

Today, we read Chapter 3 of the Chronicles of Narnia and discussed how the characters in our story might be feeling so far. In groups, the children were given a picture of a setting which they had to study. The children had to consider the following: What might you see here? What can be heard? …

Today, we have read the third chapter of our reading book, Captain Crow’s Teeth. In this chapter, our main character, Will, went to the Sprats’ Jig with his brother Marty even though he ‘hates dancing!’ Woodpeckers task was to analyse our main character by considering Will’s appearance and external feelings and his internal feelings. We …

This morning we have been using rulers, tape measurers and metre sticks to measure different objects in the classroom. Lots of children were even keen to measure themselves and their partners to work out their height! The children have written these measurements down on their whiteboards using the correct unit of measurement (mm, cm and …

Our new topic this term is Planet Earth. In this topic we will learn about volcanoes, earthquakes, tectonic plates, the Ring of Fire, rivers and the water cycle. To kick our new topic off, this afternoon we created our own volcanoes. We watched a short video to learn how to create a volcano using black …

In our class, we have been looking at the digestive system. We labelled an image of our digestive system and discussed how it works. We discussed new vocabulary such as Oesophagus, Pancreas, and the small and large Intestines. There was another new word which the class found very funny – why don’t you ask them …

In our reading lessons in Woodpeckers, we have been reading the book ‘Fortunately the Milk…’. We had a go at using different vocabulary to give things crazy names, just like Professor Steg does in the book. To begin with, we had a go at describing the different objects on our tables. Then we had a …

This week, Woodpeckers took part in a workshop exploring bullying in all its forms. We used drama and improvisation to show the different forms that bullying can take: cyber bullying, physical bullying and verbal bullying. We discussed how bullying can occur anywhere and how we all have an important role to play in ensuring we …

LKS2 Animals Including Humans 2021 Autumn 2nd English Knowledge Organiser Template Autumn 2nd Maths Knowledge Organiser LKS2 KO ROMANS 2021 22 Romans Homework Grid 2021

This morning, we have watched a short film all about Black History and we have listened to three inspirational and powerful stories. Following this, as a class we explored two lovely books called ‘Little Leaders’. We have read a couple of back stories so far about inspirational black people and we plan to read some …

LKS2 KO ROMANS 2021 22 (3) Romans Homework Grid 2021 (1)
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