Author Archives: Miss Taylor

Our topic this half term is ‘We Are What We Eat.’ As part of our topic work, we are learning about where our food comes from. Today, we visited Morrisons and were shown round by their ‘Community Champion.’ We visited the Market Street and the Butchers, Fishmongers, Cheesemongers, Bakery, Fruit and Vegetable section and we …

In Herons, we have been looking at equal groups by sharing. The children worked in partners to work out division problems by using different concrete resources.

In Herons, we have used clay to create our own dipping bowls. The children rolled and coiled the clay and used slip and smoothing tools to attach the coils together. They created their own patterns on their dipping bowls using different tools. When they have dried, the children will paint them using primary colours and …

Buddying Up – Doves and Herons | 12 Mar 2024

On World Book Day, the children in Herons and Doves buddied up and shared some of their favourite stories. They read to one another and discussed why they chose their book to share.

Herons and Skylarks took part in a fun and engaging orienteering workshop. The children began by using simple maps to identify images hidden on cones. They had to remember to always orientate the map to North in order to find the correct pictures. Once we had the hang of this, the children completed an orienteering …

Today, the children had an opportunity to practise their golfing skills. They played two different games which focused on accuracy, teamwork and swapping fairly. They had a fabulous morning and really enjoyed the lesson. Lots of the children proved they were very good golfers!

Today, the children had to select different money and make the same amount. They worked in partners or independently to complete worksheets where they needed to select the correct coins or notes to find the total value. We discussed how this can be done in a variety of ways for some amounts. Afterwards, the children …

Year 2 have started their new unit of work in maths and we started by looking at pence & pounds. We discussed the different coins and notes and the value that each one has. We worked in partners to fill in in different sheets where we had to recognise different coins and notes, count money …

Today, the children took part in an investigation about exercise. We asked the following question: Which activity will make your heart rate faster? Before exercising, we made an observation by checking our pulse. We discussed that our heart rate was fairly slow, steady and not very strong. After completing a workout, we checked our pulse …
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