Author Archives: Miss Taylor

This morning, we have been looking at measuring using centimetres and metres. We discussed that there are 100cm in 1m. The class partnered up to measure different objects in our classroom using a 30cm ruler. If objects were slightly bigger than the ruler, we used our finger as a marker and measured the other part …

In Year 2, we have been learning to recognise and tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to). The children have used clocks to show different times, played board games to read different times and have played bingo where they have had to draw different times on a clock. Year 2 are …

Before half term, Herons planted a variety of different seeds including; spinach, pea and spring onion. We have cared for these plants by giving them plenty of water and sun. We have now had the opportunity to plant them outside as they needed more space to grow.

In English, Herons have been looking at the key features of non-chronological texts. We spent time looking at a variety of different books to identify key features such as: headings, facts, paragraphs, questions etc. The children enjoyed learning new information about different animals and insects. We finished off our lesson by watching a short clip …

Herons have taken part in the Penny Investigation. They had to see how many drops of water they could get on a penny. Once, they did this they tried again to see if they could beat their score. We discussed how doing smaller drops each time would mean we would do more drops. The children …

This morning, Herons completed a carousel of four different activities including: identifying parts & wholes, finding a half, finding a quarter and making equals.

This afternoon, we finished our pots by painting them using primary and secondary colours, which the children mixed themselves. Take a look at our fabulous work!

Today, Herons made an exotic fruit salad using the wide variety of fruit they brought in to school. We set up different stations for them to work at and practise key skills including: weighing and measuring, chopping (bridge and claw), grating/zesting and juicing, peeling and scooping and pouring and mixing. The children worked really sensibly …

This afternoon, Herons and Puffins buddied up for mental health week. Puffins worked in small groups to create fitness circuits for Year 2 to complete. They used a variety of different equipment including tennis balls, bean bags, cricket bats, cones and footballs. Herons and Puffins worked really well together and everybody was feeling more positive …

In Herons, we have been looking at different seeds and bulbs. The children were given 11 different seeds to investigate which they spent time looking at and feeling. In groups of 3 or 4, they were told to sort them (with no further instruction). All of the groups ordered them by size. We then ordered …
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