Author Archives: savagerj01

To celebrate Black History Month and to support our continued learning about tolerance, kindness and understanding of others, we watched the Bigfoot Education film on All Aboard The Windrush. The children were completely involved with the presentation, asking insightful questions. Ask your child what they remembered about today’s film.

The Ancient Mayan game of Pok-O-Tok. A cross between football and basketball. The object of the game was for two opposing sides to try and hit the hard rubber ball into a stone hoop. You can only pass and shoot the ball using your thighs and hips. We attempted to play and realised it was …

Using The RainPlayer as inspiration, we used layering artistic techniques to create our own versions of the story. Here are our efforts -what do you think?

What do you know about The Mayans? As a class, we realised we didn’t know much at all. We studied images taken from The Rain Player to find clues about this civilisation. We are really excited to find out more about this period in history from our discoveries.

We were delighted to welcome Maria Glot into school today to provide us with an “eye-witness” account of living in Victorian Saltaire. Many stories were told of working in the factories, life on the street, rules that all residents had to live by and many more fascinating facts. Children were given an identity of a …

Weather reporting from all over the world. We watched the professionals, took tips on how they presented the forecast and performed our own. We used weather specific vocabulary and used websites to find out what the weather would be. Take a look at the professionals in action.

Kingfishers have been celebrating Christmas jumper day. We also took part in the Virtual Santa Dash – completing 3 laps of the playground wearing a festive jumper but most importantly a huge smile! Take a look at our smiling faces and impressive festive jumpers. 

Kingfishers Anti-bullying Week | 19 Nov 2020

Anti-bully week 2020. Following on from our last topic Express Yourself, the children were very familiar with what bullying is and what it means, how we can support each and help themselves. We watched clips about being UNITED and WORKING TOGETHER and most importantly, BEING KIND. Extremely mature discussions were held. All of the children …

Topic entry point.… We watched clips of rockets and discussed design features. We then planned our design taking into consideration, aerodynamics, friction, streamline, weight and nose shape. Working in pairs we built our rockets. Testing was the greatest part. Ask your child for the name of their rocket and where they came in our …

All pupils have really enjoyed our topic Express Yourself. The highlight was recreating their own painting of The Scream. I think you will agree they look AMAZING! Such a talented class.                                             
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