Author Archives: marsdenv

EYFS – Amazing Animals Entry Point | 19 Apr 2024

Well, what a fantastic entry point we had, celebrating all things animal in Bluebirds and Robins.  We went on an animal hunt and found various creatures lurking around the grounds.  We then turned ourselves into animals with super face painting (Mrs Marriott, Mrs Papworth and Miss Dibb should open a new business!).  Finally, we had …

Miss Marsden has been so impressed with how the children have been today.  They have settled back into school and have really shown how they work hard and listen carefully.  Ask your children about all of the bonfire and firework activities we have been doing today.  See you for more fun tomorrow – it’s good …

Times Table Rockstars Update | 01 Nov 2022

We have been notified that some children are playing on the old, out of date versions of Times Table Rockstars at home.  This means that children are not accessing the most secure and feature-rich experience. Solution – if playing at home If using a browser: If using the website at home, please could we ask …

We’re In… Robins and Bluebirds Are Complete! | 14 Sep 2022

Today, the second half of our Robins and Bluebirds joined us for their first day… and what a first day they had.  Everyone was so happy, jolly and settled and it was great to see them playing in lots of different areas of the classroom and making brand new friends.  It looked like they had …

Today, the first half of our brand new Robins and Bluebirds classes joined us in school.  We are all so impressed with how they settled so quickly.  They were investigating the provision in the classrooms, beginning to learn their new routines and are starting to make new friends too!  The children even enjoyed their first …

EYFS Topic Homework Grid and Knowledge Organisers – Summer 2 | 10 Jun 2022

Hello everyone – welcome back!  We hope you had a lovely break, are well rested and raring to go for this half term.  Our new topic is ‘Tremendous Transport.’ Please find below the links for the topic homework grid and knowledge organisers for topic, maths and English.  If you have any questions, please do not …

Hello everyone – welcome back!  We hope you had a lovely break, are well rested and raring to go for this half term.  Our new topic is ‘Amazing Animals.’ Please find below the links for the topic homework grid and knowledge organisers for topic, maths and English.  If you have any questions, please do not …

As part of our entry point for our new topic of ‘Amazing Animals’ we read Judith Kerr’s ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ We then decided to write invitations, make masks, have our faces painted and even have a wonderful picnic lunch in the sunshine.  What a super way to start our topic and get …

Hello everyone – welcome back!  We hope you had a lovely break, are well rested and raring to go for this half term. Please find below the links for the topic homework grid and knowledge organisers for topic, maths and English.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of …

Hello everyone – welcome back!  We hope you had a lovely break, are well rested and raring to go for 2022. Please find below the links for the topic homework grid and knowledge organisers for topic, maths and English.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of EYFS staff. …
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