Author Archives: Miss Ingram

UKS2 Homework W/C 18.9.23

Stage 5 Check 2 Answers Stage 6 Check 2 Answers Semi Colon Answers

5/6 Homework W/C 11.9.23

Stage 5 Check 1 Answers Stage 6 Check 1 Answers Stage 5 Check 1 – Answers Stage 6 Check 1 – Answers

This week in Puffins, we’ve been history detectives, discovering what life may have been like during the Mayan era. Using a gallery of paintings by Frederick Catherwood, we worked with our peers to highlight what their key features told us about what life was like back then. We found evidence that gave us lots of …

This year our school council have been incredibly busy. They’ve held story writing, poetry and design competitions, helped the school save energy and stay tidy, rescued a sea-turtle, made bird feeders, hosted Chill Out Tuesdays, collected for the food bank, recycled thousands of batteries for Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt, met the Mayor of Leeds…and so …

As part of Fieldwork Fortnight, we have been outside exploring the School grounds today. Firstly, we got together with a buddy and looked at our maps. We did a fantastic job of reading these and discovering where we were! After this, we headed outside to explore the different outdoor areas on our map. At each …

The Big Battery Hunt is over! A HUGE well done and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the competition. So many of you have brought in THOUSANDS of dead and used batteries, and so many of you have done a fantastic job of helping us to count and recycle these too. Overall, we …

Today in Woodpeckers, we have been using 12-hour analogue clocks to learn how to tell the time. We started by re-capping the hour and minute hands and reminding ourselves of ‘past’ and ‘to’. We then had a go at showing exact times on our clocks and to finish, we looked at working out duration e.g. …

As part of Fieldwork Fortnight, we have been out and about exploring the School grounds to identify the features we have that are good for the environment. To begin with, we got together in pairs and had a look at a school map. We discussed the different human (buildings, fences, sheds) and physical (grass areas, …

As part of our Greek Topic this term, we have made some mechanical Greek Gods and Goddesses for our display. To begin with, we researched and experimented with different types of levers and linkages to see how we could use these on our products. Then, we designed our products, choosing which mechanical system we thought …

Today in Woodpeckers, Y3 have had a go at measuring and comparing volume using ml and l. To begin with, we looked at a range of different measuring cylinders and discovered that they all had different measuring scales. We realised this was something we’d need to look out for when measuring and comparing . Next, …
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