Author Archives: Miss Ingram

This year’s Black History Month Theme is ‘celebrating our sisters.’ As part of this month, Puffins have spent some time researching and reading about a number of different inspirational women, both past and present, who have had a significant impact on our world. They have also looked closely at Sonia Boyce OBE RA, a British …

This year’s Black History Month theme is ‘celebrating our sisters.’ Throughout this month, school council have been helping to promote this theme through delivering ‘person of the week’ presentations to their class. Each week, they’ve chosen an inspirational individual to talk about with the class, sharing who they are, what they do and why/how they’ve had …

As a treat for all of our hard work this week, we have taken some time out this afternoon to begin decorating our classroom ready for Halloween! Miss Saunders and her gardening team have been busy growing pumpkins this autumn, which were finally ready for us to begin carving today. We’ve had lots of fun …

UKS2 Homework W/C 16.10

Grammar Hammer Stage 6 Check 3 – Answers Stage 5 Check 3 – Answers Maths Skills Stage 6 Check 4 Answers Stage 5 Check 4 Answers

Today in Puffins, we have been recreating illustrations from our Mayan book, The Rain Player. We started our session by looking at each of the pictures, discussing the different colours, layers and textures. We then chose a selection of our favourites to recreate using various medium.

Within our Mayan topic, we have been learning all about the sport Pok-A-Tok. Today we took the court to have a go for ourselves! We had great fun practising and playing. We can also confirm that no players, captains or coaches were sacrificed after a loss – this well a truly remains a great myth!

UKS2 Homework Answers W/C 2.10

Stage 5 Check 3 Answers Stage 6 Check 3 Answers English – Choose either the 2** or 3*** sheet to complete. Or, try both! 3 Star 2 Star

Today in Maths, we re-capped our knowledge of rounding from year 4. This allowed us to remember the rules of rounding and put it into practise. We were also able to address common mistakes and miss-conceptions and discuss what to do when rounding causes us to cross into the next place value column. Today we …

UKS2 Homework Answers W/C 25.9

Stage 5 Check 2 – Answers Stage 6 Check 2 – Answers Maths Answers E and GD    

Throughout our myth writing unit, we have been reading the story ‘The Rain Player’. Today, we used drama to predict what we think would happen next. Chac (The Rain God), was about to play Pok-a-Tok against Pik, to decide Pik’s fate. Can your figure out what we think is going to happen using our still …
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