Author Archives: Miss Ingram

5/6 Homework W/C 22.1.24

Y6 – Again this week, Y6 have been asked to complete specific SATS booster questions. Y5 Maths – Stage 5 Check 7 Answers Y5 Bikeability – As it’s bikeability for Y5 this week, the children have been given some tasks to complete which focus on this.

Puffins were very excited today to show off their cases/pillowcases they had packed with items they thought would be useful /helpful if they had to be evacuated. We had some fantastic discussions about items that were brought in. After this, we then compared our items with a suitcase from the 1940s. Although there were some …

5/6 Homework W/C 15.1.24

Y6 – Again this week, Y6 have been asked to complete specific SATS booster questions.   Y5 Maths – Maths – Compare and Order Fractions Homework   Y5 English – Pupils have been given the following task. Who inspires you? Who do you admire? Choose a person that you would like to find more information about …

Today, Puffins have discovered all about trading during an activity that saw them creating products, as well as negotiating for raw materials. The class was split into teams and each team faced unique challenges as they attempted to buy and sell. A number of real-world scenarios ensured the trading world changed and that their strategies …

This week in Puffins, we have started our new maths unit, Fractions. Today, we’ve been looking at identifying and finding equivalent fractions. We started by using pizzas and fraction walls to help us visually identify equivalent fractions. Then, we moved on to understanding the numerical relationship between fractions to identify and find equivalent fractions without …

Please see attached the knowledge organiser and homework grid for this Term’s topic, World War 2. Homework Grid – World War Two Knowledge organiser – WW2

Y5/6 Homework W/C 8.1.24

Y6 Over the next few weeks, Y6 pupils will be given SAT Buster Books to help with the preparation for SATS. This will be there homework going forward. This week, they have been asked to complete the following: Punctuation – Pages 2-5 Arithmetic – Pages 1-7 Attached below is a copy of the note they …

Tranmere would just like to say a HUGE thank you to our school council team who have been incredibly busy this term. You can check out all of their first term projects below. School Council Projects 23-24 We can’t wait to see what the New Year brings the team.  

Doves, Kingfishers and Puffins have all had a fantastic afternoon at their Christmas party. A special thanks to the PTA for supplying the children with some fantastic pass the parcels, sweets and prizes!

Over the past few days, we have been busy bringing our Mayan Temple designs to life. The temples themselves were made from balsa wood, which required us to carefully measure (to the nearest mm), cut (with hacksaws) and stick (with PVA and hot glue guns) together various different sized squares, which we stacked together to …
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