Author Archives: gomersallh

Sports Day 2018! | 24 May 2018

After last year’s washout, we finally held a Sports Day and the weather could not have been better! All the children got involved and were fully active which was great to see. Thank you so much to everyone who came and participated. Also, a huge thank you to the PTA for sorting out the refreshments …

GSAL Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament | 30 Apr 2018

On Saturday, both our Year 4 and Year 5 football teams travelled to the Grammar School at Leeds to compete in an annual tournament. Both teams had to play various different schools and then compete in play-offs and finals. Our Year 4 team did really well, showed some fantastic skills and worked really well as …

Tag Rugby – Guiseley Rangers RC | 30 Apr 2018

On Thursday, we took two teams down to Guiseley Rangers Rugby Club to participate in a Tag Rugby tournament against lots of different schools. This was the first time most of the children had played any kind of Rugby and they all really enjoyed themselves. Both teams played well, showing skill and teamwork! We even …

ALP Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament – St Mary’s Menston | 26 Apr 2018

Today, a Year 4 and a Year 5 team competed in an Aireborough Learning Partnership football tournament against lots of different local schools. Both teams did really well and most importantly had fun! Year 4’s – Well done to everyone who participated, you kept your heads up and really did Tranmere proud and showed some …


This is unfortunately another urgent plea for sports kit. We are really, really struggling to kit children out in appropriate Sports gear for events. This includes football kit and t-shirts. This week, we need 6 different kits and although we have dribs and drabs of all kits, we do not have a full set of …

Footwear for upcoming Sports Events | 25 Apr 2018

There are a couple of sports events that are taking place this week. Thursday 26th – Tag Rugby and Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament Saturday 28th – Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament In terms of footwear, both the football tournaments are going to be played on Astro Turf so Astro trainers will be …

Sports Kit Plea! | 29 Mar 2018

As the class/team photos have now been moved to Monday 16th April, please can we have all sports kit that has been borrowed returned to school by this date. Last year, it resulted in children either missing out on photos or being photographed in the wrong kit. When I last checked, we are still waiting …

Tag Rugby Festival Cancelled – 21/3/18 | 20 Mar 2018

Unfortunately, the Tag Rugby Festival has had to be postponed due to the water logging and general state of the pitch. A text has also been sent out about this. The festival will be rescheduled and the date will be sent out as soon as it has been decided by the organisers. Sorry for any …

GSAL Tournament Cancelled – 10.03.18 | 08 Mar 2018

Unfortunately the football tournament on Saturday has been cancelled. This is due to poor drainage on the pitch and the weather today will not have helped. I have been assured by the organisers that the tournament will be rearranged. I apologise for any inconvenience caused and I will let you know ASAP when the rearranged …

Mini Tennis – St Mary’s | 28 Feb 2018

On Thursday, a team of Year 3/4’s and a team of Year 5 ventured down to St Mary’s in Menston to participate in a Mini Tennis Festival against other schools. Both teams did fantastically and showed some amazing tennis skill. Overall, our Year 5 team came a close 2nd in their group and the Year …
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