Author Archives: gomersallh

English – Spring 2 – Cycle B Knowledge Organiser – Evolution & Inheritance Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser – MATHS Y5 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser – MATHS Y6 Our Topic is staying the same so the Knowledge Organiser is also the same. Knowledge Organiser – The great bold good


The GSAL Football Tournament this morning has been cancelled due to the bad weather. Please pass this message on to anyone involved. I will send out the rescheduled date when it is made available.  

Year 5 Homework – 30.1.19

This week, the homework is to complete the Grammar Hammer that was sent home. Stage 5 Check 9 – Answers Please also complete the Maths worksheet that was sent home.

Basketball, Netball and Football Fun! | 31 Jan 2019

Last week was a great week for Sport! We had some fantastic opportunities for us to experience.  On Tuesday, 10 of our Year 5 pupils went to Leeds Beckett University to play basketball 🏀 in their Sports Arena. We did really well and I was proud of everyone who took part. A special well done …

Homework grid 2018-2019 Knowledge Organiser – The great bold good Knowledge Organiser – Properties of materials and changes English – Spring 1 – Cycle B

UKS2 Homework

The homework this week is as follows. Year 5 Maths: To complete the worksheet sent home. English: Grammar Hammer – Check 8 Stage 5 Check 8 – Answers Year 6 To work on pages from the SATS Busters books that were sent home.

Year 5 Basketball | 17 Jan 2019

On Tuesday, a group of 10 Year 5 children made their way down to Prince Henry’s Grammar School to participate in a Basketball tournament. They played against four different schools and did amazingly well! Miss Marsden was super proud of every one of you and we are so happy that we have now qualified for …

Team Tranmere’s Fantastic Sporting Year! | 13 Dec 2018

So, as 2018 starts to come to a close, I started to look back onto all of the great sporting achievements that we have accomplished over 2018. It’s been a fantastic year for sport at Tranmere, with children participating in a range of different sports. We also achieved the School Games Mark Gold Award for …

Cross Country Update – 24.11.18 | 24 Nov 2018

Just a quick update about the Cross Country race this morning at Wharfe Meadows. The organisers have asked that if you are driving to the event, you please park in the Prince Henry’s school car park and walk down to the park. This is to ease traffic and cause the least disruption to the local …

56 homework grid Space explorers 2018 Knowledge organiser Space Explorers  English – Autumn 2 – Cycle B Maths – Year 5 – Autumn 2 Maths – Year 6 – Autumn 2
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