Author Archives: Mrs Finley

Dabbling blog no.1! | 03 Dec 2014

As the idea is to give you an informal view of what’s been going on, I’ll make a start with tonight’s Governor’s meeting. I met with Governors to tell them about the progress our Teaching School Alliance, Noctua, is making. We also talked about the new DfE requirement for schools to assess their pupils without …

What am I letting myself in for?! | 03 Dec 2014

The blog is officially scheduled to start after Christmas but as a novice blogger …although a seasoned Tweeter (!)… I’ll be having a dabble over the next few weeks. Let me know what you think! Mrs Fx

New – Headteacher’s blog | 03 Dec 2014

After chatting with Parent Forum and Governors, I’ve decided to start a weekly blog. I don’t know if this is a wise idea or not (!) but the idea is to give parents an informal overview of what’s been happening in school. Mrs Fx
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