Author Archives: beestinh

Today is National Fitness Day. To celebrate, Robins completed a set of exciting 1 minute challenges to keep us fit and healthy. We were very good at star jumps, squats, lunges and even jumping across the hop-scotch. We had a great time as you can see.  

We have had lots of fun this week settling in and learning about the new routines. We have made many new friends and loved exploring our new classroom.               

Whole School Running Races | 23 Jul 2021

We have had our daily exercise this morning and took part in some running races. We were as fast as lightening. We enjoyed cheering each other on  and showing our Team Tranmere spirit.  Ava and James were the overall winners in Robins and Noah and Poppy won in Bluebirds. Well done everyone!       …

We were so lucky to have shared a wonderful picnic yesterday, thanks to Rory and his winning ticket. The children enjoyed there afternoon tea of sandwiches, sausage rolls, cakes and drinks.   All of Robins would like to thank Rory’s family and the PTA for providing such a super prize.  Cheers!  

What a super hot day! We have had loads of fun this term learning about Superhero’s. This afternoon we went out in the sun to play some party games and saved the world.  All the children looked amazing in their outfits and explained what different types of powers they had. We have really enjoyed this …

This week we had a little visit from some prickly friends.  School has adopted some hedgehogs. Stewie and Stella!  We have created a small area at the back of the bungalow for the new arrivals and over the next few weeks Reception have been asked to look after them.

Today we have turned ourselves into a super hero. We took a photo of ourselves and then designed our own superhero outfit. Some children decide to become Batman, Batgirl Spiderman, Wolverine, Superman, Wonder Women and even Black Panther.            

This week in we have gone animal crazy. In maths we have looked at animal patterns and created our own. We created a fantastic display painting our own animals and looking at the different patterns we could see. In English we have been re-telling the story of Snail Trail and writing sentences about where the …

Over the past week in RE we have learnt about the Easter story. We celebrated by tasting some hot cross buns and made our own Easter cards. We hope you all have a lovely Easter break with your families.  

This week we reached the end of our topic Changes. To begin the day, we had a big group discussion about all of the things we had learned. We shared our new knowledge on the life cycles of plants, humans and animals. We also chatted about other things that change, such as time, colours, feelings …
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