Author Archives: beestinh

What a surprise this morning. A lovely white blanket of snow. We decided to bring the outdoors in. We collected some snow and played with our Antarctic animals. We found out some interesting facts and talked about why the snow melted as we were playing.

This term we have learnt about where our food comes from, talked about healthy and unhealthy foods and even looked at planting and caring for plants. As our exit point we used different foods to create pictures. We started by learning how to use the ‘bridge’ technique when cutting our fruit, the grating techniques for …

This week in Maths we have learnt all about shape. We first learnt  the names of  2-d and 3-d shapes. We then went on a shape hunt to discover the different shapes in and around our environment.

School Council – Tree Planting | 17 Mar 2022

This week some of our School Council members were invited to help celebrate The Queens Platinum Jubilee. To mark this incredible milestone the children connected with our local community working with ‘Guiseley in Bloom’ and Councillors Paul Alderson, Paul Wadsworth and Graham Latty to plant seven Sliver Birch trees in Springfield Park.

This week, as part of our topic we have planted some Broad Beans. We observed the different sizes and described how they felt. We then talked about what plants need to help them grow. We are going to take very good care of them and watch to see all the changes that take place. We …

This week we have started our new topic all about Food and Plants. As part of our entry point we discovered more about our senses. We first had to smell different types of food and plants. We had to guess what we were smelling and decide if we liked or disliked the smell. We smelt …

We all looked fabulous today as we celebrate World Book Day. We shared some of our favourite books with our friends talking about the characters and events that happened in the stories. We then made book marks,  designed our own book covers and even went on a book scavenger hunt. As part of our music …

Diversity | 18 Feb 2022

During February we have celebrated diversity learning about and understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences. It has been an opportunity for our children to learn about different artists who represent different communities and discover how they use their talents. We have talked about different types of families and drew different ways …

  We have completed our topic about Let’s Pretend this week. We have continued our theme pretending to be Kings and Queens preparing for our banqueted on Tuesday. We baked  bread using a kneading technique. We were very excited on Tuesday, as we all came dressed up and one of our parents, Mrs Lee came …

Music, RE and Art Challenge Morning | 16 Feb 2022

We had a lovely, successful Music, RE and Art Challenge morning in school today. The children learned how to listen to music and represent it through art. They listened to religious music from Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism and created pictures inspired by the music. We were hugely impressed by their concentration, enthusiasm and creativity. …
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