Author Archives: beestinh

Reception Maths Homework

This week we have looked at ‘The Days of the Week’. Please encourage your child to recite them in order and then see if they can tell you what day comes before or affer. When talking about your weekend see if you can ask your child what they did yesturday or what might happen tomorrow. …

Reception Homework

In phonics this week we have learnt the new sound ‘oi – Noisy boiling water.’ If you would like to extend your child’s learning in this area see if they can draw any pictures or words with he oi sound. Our book for the week is called ‘Jam tarts in the dark’. Please read the …

Maths Homework

This week in maths we have looked at 2d and 3 d shape. Over the weekend see if you can find any objects around the house that are 3d. See if your child can name them and write a label for each object. We have also sent home an activity sheet for you to create …

This week is British Science Week. We read a story called The Most Important Animal of All. When reading, we talked about how different animals bring different things to our environment and the world around us. We thought that tigers were the most important. We found out lots of facts. Did you know a tiger …

We have had a super day learning all about birds. We took to the school fields and outdoor classroom to make our own binoculars and then quietly waited to see which birds flew by. It was really nice to sit and hear the birds singing. We learnt about where a bird would build it’s nest …

In PE this morning we use showed off our ball skills. After a quick warm up we learnt how to throw, catch and kick the balls with great control.            

Maths Homework

Over the past few weeks we have looked at place value, ordering and counting forwards and backwards to 10. If you can complete the sheet by finding the missing missing numbers. Missing number tracks Please keep recapping on recognising  the digraphs sh, ch, th, oo, ar, oo, igh, ng, ee, oa. This weeks shared reading book …

We have had a lovely day. The children were very excited as we boarded the coach. We enjoyed our own VIP tour around Lord and Lady Clifford’s castle. We learnt so much! We even pretended to be knights and got to defend the castle with our pretend bow and arrows. After lunch we took to …

This term our new topic is called Feed Me Please! Throughout the topic we will be finding out where our food comes from, looking at how we can grow our own food, discussing changes around Spring and changes in the weather. Today we started by making our own pancakes. We added different healthy fruits, along …

As another term comes to an end we have finished our topic about ‘Let’s Pretend by learning a Medieval Dance. We learnt to count and move to the rhythm of the music and even pretended to be kings and queens. We can’t wait to visit Skipton Castle to preform our dance again in a real …
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