Author Archives: beestinh

This week we have been very clever at showing off our super scissor skills.  We had to cut along the dots and we talked about how to use the scissors safely.      

We have tried out our soft play equipment this morning.  We talked about how to stay safe whilst looking for different spaces to move into. The children showed their skills at rolling, jumping, sliding and travelling under and the equipment.      

Today we have visited the computer room. We talked about the different parts of the computer.  We had fun learning how to find different programmes too.   .

We have had great fun playing with and investigating all the new toys in our classroom.  We have made lots of new friends and are starting to get used to being at school all day!  

In our English sessions we have been on a very long train ride.  We read the story of ‘The Train Ride’ and saw lots of interesting things on our way.  We acted out the story and then wrote our own wonderful stories.  

This week we have looked at 2-d and 3-d shapes.  We have talked about how many sides they have, played the Kim’s game, sorted them by the different number of sides they have and even made our own pictures.  Also whilst the sun was shinning we went to chalk and draw different shapes on the …

There were some very excited children this morning.  The children have worked hard all week putting their first ever assembly together.  All the children did an amazing job.  What super stars.  We are all so proud. Enjoy the memories!  

Party Time | 17 Dec 2018

We have had a lovely Christmas party this afternoon.  We played musical statues, pass the parcel and corners.  We even had a special visitor.  Thank you some much to everyone who sent in party food, the children ate everything and had a fantastic time.      

Yum Yum | 14 Dec 2018

Having a lovely festive lunch singing and being merry, which has put us in the mood for Christmas once again!  

Poppies | 15 Nov 2018

We have used different types of media to create our own poppies.  We talked about why poppies were important and looked at the shape and texture of the petals.  We then tried to replicate these using different types of materials.  
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