Author Archives: beestinh

We have loved returning back to school and meeting all our friends again. To start our theme on ‘Mindfulness’ we talked about how we felt about coming back to school and shared our worries with each other. We recapped on our routines, school rules and the importance of keeping ourselves safe by washing our hands, …

We have had a great time this week getting outdoors and learning all about nature and we have created our own little gardens. We wrote of list of items we thought would be useful in a garden design, talked about how we could recreate these and drew different insects and animals that we thought might …

This week we continued our celebrations around Christmas. We learnt about Christingle. We found out the Christingles are used in some Christian churches during the time of Advent. Each part of a Christingle represents something special for this time of year. The candle represents Jesus being the light of the world. The dried fruit and sweets represent …

Reception Homework 4/12/20

Good afternoon All the children have had a good week back. They have enjoyed been with their friends. This week we have looked at our words lists. If you can keep going with these at home on a daily basis this will really help your child. You could hide them around the house, find them …

Reception Homework – 13.11.20

This weeks homework is English. Please complete the initial sound sheet. We have also focused on the sounds e, u, r, and ck. See if you can find anything that begins with these sounds in your house. We have also been looking at the words – it, and, is, the, a, go, no ,at, I, …

This week we have talked about remembrance day. In English we have been pretending to be soldiers writing letters to our families. We have made our own medals and designed own poppies, using different types of materials. This morning we paid our respects by taking part in a 2 minute silence at 11 ‘o’ clock. …

Reception Homework

Welcome back to a new term. The children have had a great first week back. Our new topic is all about different ‘Celebrations.’ This term also sees the start of us introducing homework. This can be found either on the school website or Google Classroom. Each week we will set an English or Maths task. These …

This term our new topic is Celebrations. Our topic has started with a bang, as we have celebrated Bonfire Night. We talked about why we have Bonfire Night, made our own breadstick sparklers, created our own rockets and fireworks. We have even launched our own rockets in the playground. What a blast!           

Over the past  few weeks we have started to spot letters in and around our classroom. We have loved looking at books and we are starting to recognise some letter sounds. We have also learnt that letters create meaning and they can make words to help us tell a story. During our phonic sessions we …

Today we listened to different types of music. We heard sounds that were loud and quiet. We also talked about how we could make with our voices load and quiet. We then looked at  sounds around the environment and sorted them into a set of  loud and quiet sounds. We made up some fantastic tunes …
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