Author Archives: Mr Beech

5/6 Christmas Carol Church Rehearsal | 09 Dec 2014

Today, years 5 and 6 made the journey down St Oswalds Church, Guiseley, to practice their Christmas Carol Concert. They all felt that they are ready and looking forward to performing tomorrow (Wednesday 10th December between 6:00pm and 7:00pm). We hope you can all join us – this is open to all parents and friends …

5/6 Christmas Carol Concert | 05 Dec 2014

Upper Key Stage 2 have all been practicing hard for their Christmas Carol Concert. They are all looking forward to performing at St Oswalds Church on Wednesday 10th December between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. We hope you can all join us – this is open to all parents and friends of the school, not just those in …

Brownlee Foundation | 05 Dec 2014

Brownlee Foundation On the 1st October over at John Charles Sports Center over 1200 children from all over Leeds took part in a mini triathlon created by the world famous Brownlee brothers Johnny and Alistair. 15 lucky 5/6 children took part. Here are a few pictures to show you what they got up to that …

Sports Hall Athletics | 05 Dec 2014

After last year success at reaching the final of the Sports Hall Athletics. Tranmere Park Primary Athletics squad has once again been successful. On Wednesday 12th November at St.Mary’s High School the children competed in a number of races and field events. After all the events Tranmere Park won the heat and have now advanced …

EYFS Nativity | 05 Dec 2014

Our two reception classes have been working exceptionally hard on their nativity. We can’t wait to see their finished performance! .

Entrance Hall Christmas Tree | 05 Dec 2014

Our traditional entrance hall Christmas tree has been decorated this year using baubles made by our two Reception classes. Well done Robins and Bluebirds!

Ks1 Toymaker | 05 Dec 2014

All of the children in Key Stage 1 have really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating our own toys. We had a little bit of help but most of it was our own work!

Year 3/4 First Christmas Performance | 03 Dec 2014

Today Children in 3/4 completed the first of 2 performances (this one to a capacity audience) very professionally! Our 2 Wise men even dealt gallantly with the absence of the third – not even skipping a beat! A massive well done to all of the children in years 3 and 4!

Open Days 2014 | 05 Nov 2014

We are holding two open days this half term for prospective parents. Both sessions will last approximately one hour. No appointment is necessary for either session. Wednesday 19th November at 9:30am Thursday 20th November at 01:30pm

Aireborough October Half Term Information | 20 Oct 2014

These leaflets have been sent to us by Aireborough leisure centre detailing their half term activities. Aireborough October Holiday 2014 Activities Aireborough Oct 2014 Swimming Programme doc
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