Author Archives: Mr Beech

Parental controls | 28 Sep 2015

A great article has just been published on our online Safety page on how you can use parental controls to keep your children safe online. This is an area where there is a lot of confusion so definitely worth a read!

Individual photographs | 21 Sep 2015

Don’t forget everybody, it’s individual and sibling photographs tomorrow so make sure you are all looking your best!

A big hello to all children and parents of this year’s Wrens class. We hope you have had a great summer break and have returned refreshed and ready for the challenge of year 4, We certainly have! Please check out our Class page to find out more about this half term and see some pictures …

Parent Questionnaire 2015 | 14 Sep 2015

Due to a lack of responses we are re-opening our Parent questionnaire. This feeds into our school development plan and is your chance to share your views with us. Parent questionnaire 2015

Proposed Dates for the new academic year | 11 Sep 2015

Lots of proposed dates for your diary! Proposed dates for the academic year 2015-16

No Pens Day | 11 Sep 2015

School website Facebook link | 20 Jul 2015

Apologies to all those who keep up to date with school news through our Facebook feed. Without us realising the link between our website ad the feed had broken. We now have it back up and running and hope to keep you up to date with what’s going on when the new year starts up …

Summer Fair 2015 | 09 Jul 2015

This year’s summer fair is almost upon us! Weather is forecast to be a pleasant 21° – perfect fair weather! Don’t miss out on a fantastic day with lots of fantastic activities both inside and out!

Soak a Year 6 week! | 29 Jun 2015

As part of their fundraising for their end of year event, year 6 will be putting themselves in the stocks for soaking next week. Prices for the soaking event: 50p for 3 sponges, £1 per bucket. Other soaking methods can be arranged with Mr Joynson for a price! Different children will be available for soaking …

Tranmere Park School Development Plan Parent Comments | 26 Jun 2015

At Tranmere Park we are always interested in your views. Please let us know how we are doing for our school development plan. This year we have divided our survey into 4 areas: Leadership and Management Achievement and Standards Quality of Teaching Behaviour and Safety Please let us know about some things you think we …
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