Author Archives: Mr Beech

Wednesday 28th Feb | 28 Feb 2018

Good Morning! Due to the weather and the resulting traffic, here are our initial arrangements for today. Whilst the weather on Tranmere itself has been fairly clear, we have reports that it is much worse in the surrounding area and that this is expected to head our way. School will be open at 8:50 for …

Weather Warning Part 2 | 27 Feb 2018

Dear Parent/Carer Once again in the event of snow falling overnight school will as usual endeavour to open.  However,  in the case of severe snow we may open later at 10.30am with a skeleton staff. If school is opening later, this will be posted on the website, twitter and Facebook by 8am. We will also send out a text. …

Tuesday 27th February | 27 Feb 2018

Good Morning! We will be open as usual today but could children please go straight to classroom doors – they will be opened at 8:45 (or the earliest opportunity if this is not possible). All routes into school (including the ginnel gate) are open for use. Please note that we are not permitted to grit …

Weather warning | 26 Feb 2018

Weather warning In the event of snow falling overnight school will as usual endeavour to open. However, in the case of severe snow we may open later at 10.30am with a skeleton staff. If school is opening later, this will be posted on the website, twitter and facebook by 8am. We will also send a …

Parent/Teacher Consultations | 21 Feb 2018

Dear Parents/Carers, Last year we had really positive feedback on the use of an online booking system which we are going to use again this year. Please use the link below to access the system. The process is hopefully self-explanatory but if you have any questions, just ask a member of the teaching staff. Please …

Settling in survey 2017 | 20 Feb 2018

Below are the results from our settling in survey. This was the survey that parents completed during parent consultations in the Autumn term. This year, we have anonymised and included the general comments that parents and carers made rather than just the survey data. We were pleased that over 150 people took the time to …

Safer Internet Day 2018 | 06 Feb 2018

Today is Safer Internet Day and every year we focus on a different aspect of life online. This year’s theme is positive and negative attention. All of the children who were in assembly (some were having their class governor visit!) took part in a session where we looked at good and bad attention that they …

Further warning about Roblox | 01 Feb 2018

We have been made aware of a post which has been put out by EST (E-Safety Training) a company that works with a lot of children across the country. They have reported that children are receiving a high level of unsolicited contact. We are concerned about the use of this game and strongly urge all …

Egg Watch weekend update | 26 Jan 2018

We are very sorry but the chick and egg live feed will be turned off for the weekend. (The chicks can’t be trusted in school all weekend – we’d come back on Monday and they would likely have changed the locks and be charging admission!) The chicks will be staying with Miss Bell so that …

Cracking news! | 25 Jan 2018

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