Headteacher’s blog 5/12/14

I think I understand how to do this now!
Well the festive season is well and truly underway at Tranmere with the first of our Christmas performances from Y3 & 4 who did a great job with their performance of Baboushka. The PTA have also been busy in school ticketing up the tombola prizes and transforming the library into Santa’s a Grotto in readiness for our Christmas Fair on Saturday – hope to see you there.
It’s also been a busy week in other ways. There have been a number of meetings to attend (as ever) ; today I was down at the NW SILC meeting with other Aireborough Heads discussing next steps for the Aireborough Learning Partnership, the Trust we are a member of. Yesterday, I visited Fieldhead Carr Primary to meet with other Heads from Noctua, the Teaching School Alliance we are a part of. We discussed setting up some meetings for our teachers in the Spring term so they can pinch good ideas from each other!
Earlier in the week, Miss Jones and Miss Marsden took a group of pupils to perform at Leeds Town Hall Xmas Concert which is always a great event.
In school, Wickes have been and fitted some new kitchen units in the bungalow – all for free! They have a long list of other things to do for us too. Mr Brown is going to be painting the Year 3 & 4 classrooms over the Xmas holidays and we’ll be having carpets replaced that were damaged during the roof replacement – we feel like we’re finally recovering from being ‘The Good Ship Tranmere!’
There’s never a dull moment! Ask your children about ‘Challenge Boards’ in class….

Mrs Fx