
Welcome to Puffins’ class page!

On our new-look page, you will find all of our news and homework organised by type on a handy one-stop page!

Routines in Puffins
PE (Indoor) – Tuesday (please arrive in PE kit)
PE (Outdoor) — Thursday (please arrive in PE kit)
Spellings – Monday
Times Tables – Friday
Planners checked for reading and signature – Monday
Adults in Puffins
Miss Ingram
Mrs Shanbhag
Miss Saunders

Class Governor: Louise Woffendin


In year 5, the children will be encouraged to work with growing independence. To support this, your child will be taking responsibility for their own organisation. Each child has been given a planner which will be checked on a Monday morning. Planners should have been seen and signed by an adult for the previous week (See Reading Books section below). If there are any other messages that need to be read by the teacher on a day other than Monday, please ensure that your child brings these to your attention.


Reading Books
Each week, your child will be expected to read three times a week with an adult at home, who will need to sign and date the weekly section in their planner every time they hear them read (See Image Below).Your child can choose a book from home or an appropriate free choice book from school. Even though many children in years 5 and 6 are quite fluent readers, it is important that an adult hears them read and asks questions about what they have read in order to aid their comprehension and to improve their writing skills.

Books can be changed on any day in the classroom.


Homework and Spellings
Your child will receive their homework every Monday as a paper copy and will need to be handed back in by the following Monday. The answers for this will be posted on our class page. We politely request that parents mark the work with their child so that any misconceptions can be addressed when returned to school. The homework will alternate between the maths skills test and the Grammar Hammer. We only expect children to spend 20 minutes on each piece of homework, if they are struggling please just write a note to the teacher explaining this – don’t struggle on!

A topic homework grid will also be available on the school website by the end of the first week of a new topic. It is expected that your child will complete at least two of the activities from the grid and return them to school. There are a range of fun and exciting options to choose from so please feel free to be creative!

Spellings will be tested each week on Monday and the new list will be given out following the weekly test. A spelling book will also be sent home with the spellings in.



This Week’s Homework- Click the title for more.

UKS2 Homework W/C 17.6.24

Y5 English: Stage 5 Check 10 Stage 5 Check 10 – Answers Y5 Maths: Area and Perimeter of Compound Shapes Money Problem

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This Half-Term’s Topic Homework and Knowledge Organiser – Click the title for more.

UKS2 Topic Knowledge Organiser and Homework Grid – Summer 1

Please see attached the knowledge organiser and homework grid for this Half-Term’s topic, ‘They See the World Like This’. Knowledge Organiser – They see the world like this Homework Grid

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This Week’s Online Safety Update – Click the title for more. 

26.6.24 Gambling

A 2023 report from the Gambling Commission found that 40% of 11–to 17-year-olds had some experience of gambling in the preceding 12 months  That’s a significant number of children and young people involved in an over 18s activity  Engagement and exposure to gambling can impact one’s finances, mental health and wellbeing. It is crucial we are all aware of …

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Latest class news – Click the title for more.

Puffins Maths – Estimating and Measuring Angles

This morning in Maths, we started our session by using our knowledge of classifying angles to estimate the size of various angles. Then, we had a go at using protractors to accurately measure angles, which our buddies drew for us…ON THE TABLES! I know, we were pretty shocked by this too!

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Puffins – The Great Science Share for Schools

This week, Puffins have been engaging with The Great Science Share for Schools – a campaign that aims to inspire children to ask, investigate and share scientific questions that are important to them. This afternoon, they took part in the ‘penny drop experiment’. Initially, they were challenged to see how many drops of water they …

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Tranmere’s Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony

    Today, Vision Education re-visited Tranmere to hold their Unsung Hero Awards Ceremony. Over the past few weeks, lots of children (and adults) have been spotted showing ‘hero behaviours’ both in school and within their wider community, and today, they received some certificates and awards in recognition of this. Dylan in Kingfishers also recieved …

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School Council – Alternative Playground Provision

Today, School Council have been busy setting up some alternative provisions on both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. Between now and summer, when the weather is nice, the team will be providing a small chess and colouring area for the children to enjoy.

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Puffins – Basketball Taster Session

This morning we were treated to a basketball taster session run by the City of Leeds Basketball Club. We had lots of fun learning some new skills and tricks and would like to say a HUGE thank you to Miss Gomersall and the City of Leeds Basketball Club for organising the session for us.

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Fitness Friday – Herons and Puffins Buddy Up

This afternoon, Herons and Puffins buddied up for mental health week. Puffins worked in small groups to create fitness circuits for Year 2 to complete. They used a variety of different equipment including tennis balls, bean bags, cricket bats, cones and footballs. Herons and Puffins worked really well together and everybody was feeling more positive …

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Puffins Topic – Art Movements

This afternoon in Puffins, we have worked with our peers to become ‘experts’ on various art movements. Together we have researched and created information posters, which we will then use next session to teach the rest of our peers.

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Puffins – Mental Health Awareness Week

Today, Puffins have kicked off Mental Health Awareness Week by taking part in BBC Teach’s active live lesson. They learned about different emotions, how to express and talk about these and, how to handle them.

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Puffins and Herons Join Together for PE

This half-term in PE, Puffins are learning tennis. Today, they teamed up with Herons to teach them some of the skills they’ve been practising.

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Puffins Reading – Editing Our Diary Entries

This afternoon in Puffins, we have spent some time editing our diary entry drafts. In groups, we travelled round different stations, each of which encouraged us to focus on editing and improving different spelling, grammar and punctuation areas. Seen as the sun was shining today, we decided to take our learning outside!

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Puffins Maths – Converting Fractions and Percentages

Today in Puffins, we have been learning how to convert percentages to fractions and fractions to percentages. After learning the method, we had lots of fun with our partners playing the conversion game.

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Puffins Topic – Entry Point

To kick off our new Topic, We See The World Like This, Puffins have spent some time in different groups putting together a presentation that showcases what being British means to them. All pupils worked incredibly hard on this, presenting a range of raps, songs, poems, drama performances, posters, stories and passports.

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Periscopes – UKS2

To finish our topic on Light, UKS2 learnt how to create a periscope. This involved understanding the science behind reflected light and how this knowledge can be utilised.

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Chess Club Begins for UKS2

After running for years 1, 2, 3 and 4, it’s now UKS2’s chance to start chess club. If you are currently in Puffins, Kingfishers or Doves and would like to come to chess club, it will run on a Monday playtime with Miss Ingram in the KS2 shared area.

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School Council / Vision Education Easter Competition

Over the past few weeks, School Council have been encouraging all pupils to take part in Vision Education’s design an Easter Egg competition. All entires were collected by the council team and sent to Vision Education and today, the winners were announced… 1st – Lucy B, 2nd – Zaiba K, 3rd – Neveyah P. A …

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Puffins Topic – Eden Camp

A good day has been had by all at Eden Camp. We have been able to consolidate our learning of World War Two by visiting different huts based on different elements of the war eg rationing, human torpedoes, women at war etc. The Blitz Experience was a particular success and gave the children a real …

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UKS2: Light

Today, we manipulated reflection (and our knowledge around light travelling in a straight line) to shine a beam on a target, avoiding ‘obstacles’ along the way, without them noticing.

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British Science Week

Last week was British Science Week, and this year’s theme was ‘time’. To celebrate this, all pupils from EYFS to Year 6 engaged in a range of different activities, experiments and investigations revolving around this topic. There were live lessons from the farm with NFU Education, engineering and fossil story times from the STEM Hub, …

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French Fashion Show

We have had a couple of fun afternoons with Puffins and Doves putting on a fashion show – mainly in French! There were some weird outfits but all the children had a go at describing what they were wearing and giving an opinion. A great way to end our clothes topic.

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Puffins PE – Orienteering

Today, we were treated to an orienteering session, run by Simon Martland from the Airienteers, a local orienteering group. We had lots of fun practising using our map-reading skills to find various points, pictures and signs.

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