Weather Warning Part 2

Dear Parent/Carer

Once again in the event of snow falling overnight school will as usual endeavour to open.  However,  in the case of severe snow we may open later at 10.30am with a skeleton staff. If school is opening later, this will be posted on the website, twitter and Facebook by 8am. We will also send out a text.

In the case of light snow it will be business as usual.

Heavy snow is also predicted at the moment for tomorrow afternoon.  If this occurs, school will send out a text in the afternoon to give parents the option to collect their child/children early.  We will also post this on the website,  twitter and facebook. School is not likely to close early but if it does snow heavily we would appreciate a prompt pick up at 3.15pm.

Out of School Club plan to remain open but if the weather conditions begin to significantly deteriorate Mrs Rhodes will contact you direct.

Thank you