For several years, Tranmere Park Primary School has asked all parents, carers and professionals involved in the school to use a ‘one-way’ system around the Tranmere Park estate in the morning and afternoon. For this to be successful, we need the cooperation of all our neighbours, staff, parents, carers and professionals associated with the school.
Please share this information with anyone you ask to drop off or collect your child from school.
We ask all our school community to:
- Walk or cycle to school where at all possible
- Try to park elsewhere on the Tranmere Park estate and walk the remaining distance to reduce the volume of traffic around the school
- Try to organise car share schemes between families
- Drive through the estate slowly and adhere to the Highway Code with regards to oncoming traffic
- Do not obstruct any drives or garages – residents have a right of access to their property
- DO NOT park or drive on the grass at the sides of the road. These are residents’ property and are extensions of their gardens. The grass areas can and are often walked on so for the safety of our school community please do not park your car on these areas.
- If there is not enough room to park safely with your car on the road, please park somewhere else!
Drop-Off Zone
Sadly, due to the COVID-safe measures we have put in place, we are unable to use the drop-off zone that we normally would.
One-Way System
The school operates a voluntary one-way system to ensure the flow of traffic on the estate is well maintained. This system could be adopted by everyone (including local residents) to ensure that there is a continuous flow and to prevent any large build up of traffic or problems when trying to travel in the other direction. Please note that this system is only in operation around school pick up and drop off times and not for the whole day! These times are now between 08:20hrs to 09:10hrs and 14:40hrs to 15:35hrs.
The following map illustration demonstrates the direction of traffic that road users could adopt to ensure that any disruption is kept to a minimum.
If travelling from Guiseley and turning onto the estate, users should follow the blue arrows and drive along Southway, onto Dales Drive, right onto Dales Way and then right onto Ridgeway.
If travelling from Hawksworth or Menston (Thorpe Lane), users should follow the purple arrows and turn left onto Ridgeway and proceed along until turning out onto Southway when leaving the school area.
The red cross indicates the school “Drop Off Zone”. As stated, the Drop Off Zone is not in operation at the moment. Here though, there is a footpath that extends across the top of the school fields, close to the pedestrian exit onto Ridgeway.