MathsHub March problem of the day – KS1

Posted on by Mr Beech

MathsHub March problem of the day – KS1

Good Morning!

Throughout March we will be running the MathsHub “problem of the day” initiative in school. This will be similar in structure to the “Barvember” initiative run last year with a slight difference. The problems are intended for solving by children this time around.

Some classes may choose to use them in Maths lessons throughout March but each day we will endeavour to post them in the website for you to have a go with your child (whether they did it in school or not) to encourage them to have a go at Maths problems. Some children will find these easier than others but all should be able to have a go – with your support if needed.

As before we would welcome your engagement on social media with this – post your answers for discussion or maybe even a ‘Maths selfie’ or picture of how you and your child worked it out, especially if you used a pictorial (pictures to help you ie bar model or part-part-whole) or concrete (using objects) method!

If you have children in other year groups, there are also problems available for Key Stage 2 so look out for those too! Apologies to Reception parents – they are not publishing problems for EYFS but don’t let that put you off doing some Maths with your child!

KS1 day 1