We have introduced a rota for school drop-off and pick-up each day. This is one of the measures schools have been asked to implement in order to manage the total number of people on site at any given time. Please can we ask that you only drop-off/pick-up your child/children in the slot you have been allocated. They are as follows:
Bluebirds and Robins your drop-off time is 8.30am and pick-up is 2.45pm
Eagles, Skylarks and Herons your drop-off time is 8.40am and pick-up is 2.55pm
Red Kites and Woodpeckers your drop-off time 8.50am and pick-up is 3.05pm
Falcons and Puffins your drop-off time is 9am and pick up is 3.15pm
Kingfishers and Doves your drop-off time is 9.10am and pick-up is 3.30pm
If you have siblings or are a childminder your allocated slots for both drop-off and pick-up are those associated with your youngest child.
Can we also please ask that everyone follows the one-way system around the school site, (even if your child’s classroom door is quite close to the entry gate) and that you continue to remain socially distanced from those not in your family group.
The measures we have in place are there to keep numbers on site down and to keep foot traffic moving steadily through the site in order to keep our families and staff as safe as possible. We thank you in advance for your continued support and for following the guidelines. Thank you.