30:30 Wristband Challenge Information

30:30 Wristband Challenge Information 

While the Chief Medical Officer recommends that your child is physically active for 60 minutes every day, the government are now expecting 30 minutes of this to occur in school and the rest to take place at home. The 30:30 Wristband Challenge has been launched by the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University to help schools and pupils meet this daily target and become healthier and fitter.

Therefore we have entered into an exciting new initiative that is being rolled out across schools in Leeds. This week, your child will bring home a letter explaining this new scheme. EYFS and KS1 will be receiving their letters on Wednesday 1st November and KS2 will be receiving their letters today, Tuesday 31st October. We have had an assembly in school this morning explaining everything and the children are all really looking forward to starting on the path to achieving their bronze wristband!

Physical activity can count as anything that gets your heart rate going. It could include:

  • Running round the playground
  • Playing various sports e.g. football, rugby, tennis, netball
  • Skipping
  • Walking the dog

The scheme

On the sheet that your child has brought home, there are circles that need to be ticked if they complete 30 minutes of exercise in school and 30 minutes at home. At a weekend, they need to be doing 60 minutes at home and there is a separate box for this. If they have ticked two circles in one day, they can colour in a piece of the ‘running track’. Please shade in a vertical direction to ensure it matches up with when the certificate should be earned by. Once they have completed 10 sections of the track, your child needs to bring their sheet in to their class teacher who will record their achievement. They will then bring the sheet back home to carry on to try and achieve their bronze wristband. To achieve bronze, your child needs to be complete the 30:30 activity for 80% of the half term, which Leeds have worked out is 38 days. The days do not necessarily need to be consecutive. It is the shading of the track that is where they achieve certificates and wristbands.

After Christmas, there will also be the opportunity to build on their achievements and earn silver and gold wristbands.

I am really excited about this new idea and I am hoping that it really encourages the children to be more physically active throughout the day. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to come and ask me. Feel free to come round to Puffins’ door and I will try my best to answer any queries.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation with this,

Miss Gomersall

3030 Wristband Challenge recording sheet – bronze