This week we would like you to talk to your child about time. Please see attached
WC 6/2/23 – Reception Maths Homework
This week we would like you to talk to your child about time. We have provided some practical activities for you to complete with your child over the half term. These a sheet in your child’s book bag.
When talking to your child try use any of the following vocabulary:
- Before, after, next
- Day & night
- Minutes, seconds, hours
- Days of the week
Your child will also bring home their Learning Journey and Pupil Mentoring File tonight. These will enable you to follow your child’s progress over this half term. Please encourage your child to share their work with you. If you could return these to school on the first day back after the holidays with a comment and signature to acknowledge you have read them that would be great.
Our topic next term is going to be called Feed me please! The topic will include learning about:
Food and plants
Human and plant changes
Measuring time (days, months)
We would like to brighten up our outdoor area by planting, flowers growing seeds and vegetables. If you have any spare plant pots, soil, old wellingtons, seeds, watering cans, spades, garden decorations etc to help us along the way, this would be much appreciated.
In the meantime, we hope you all have a relaxing and happy half term and thank you for your continuing support.
The Reception Team