Welcome back to a new term. The children have had a great first week back. Our new topic is all about different ‘Celebrations.’ This term also sees the start of us introducing homework. This can be found either on the school website or Google Classroom. Each week we will set an English or Maths task. These will also be sent as a paper copy each Friday in your child’s book bag. This homework does not need to be returned to school, however if you feel your child has struggled with the task set, then you can leave a message via the yellow reading record book or Google Classroom.
In addition to this you will also find a homework grid (please see website or Google Classroom) which has a range of topic tasks for you to choose from. Please select one task to completed by the 7th of December. Please take a photo of your child’s work and upload it on to Google Classroom.
How to Navigate Google Classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Iowi-gmbys
We have continued with our phonics sessions this week and have learnt the sounds c, k, ck, o, g. These are again in book bags for you to play simple hide and seek games. As the children are progressing with their sounds we have also put in book bags a set of the first word card lists. These are to support your child’s reading of the Reception key words. As you read them please encourage your say each sound, along with saying each word into a sentence. E.g. It is Friday today. We will look at these during school time and ask your child to read them to us on a weekly basis. If and when we feel your child is ready to move on we will introduce the next list.
Word List 1:
a, is, it, at, and, to, the, no, go, I
We have have also attached a Knowledge Organiser so you can see how you can encourage your child with our new topic on ‘Celebrations.’
we hope you have a lovely weekend.
Homework Grid – Reception Autumn 2 Homework Grid (2)
Maths Homework – Comparing Objects in Hands PDF
Knowledge Organizer – Celebrations – Knowledge Organiser NEW