Science Learning

Red Kites learnt about Richard Garriott, British American explorer, and explored science linked to rockets and travel. They made rockets and spinners and investigated their own questions linked to them.

Sticky water!? | 15 Jun 2021

Falcons found out about ‘sticky’ water as part of the Great Science Share for Schools.

Afternoon, everybody. In Doves and Kingfishers today, we have been investigating how to sort materials. To begin with, the children were asked to categorise the random assortment of materials however they pleased. Initially, they grouped them by: size, natural vs man-made, metallic vs plant based, ‘see throughness’ and flexibility. Following the lesson, the children then …

Report written by the Kingfishers who were still here after 3pm (when we had cleaned up). Today we have been investigating mixtures and solutions. We mixed Dihydrogen monoxide* with paperclips, sand and rice to form a mixture. Into this, we then dissolved salt. We discussed the difference between a mixture and a solution. Mr Beech …

On Monday, the Doves used a variety of fruit (and a peppercorn! AND a whole load of toilet roll) to map out a scale model of our solar system. We started at Mercury (the peppercorn) and marched across the solar system all the way to Neptune (a lime) Then, 450 slices of loo roll later, …

This morning we used various fruit (and a peppercorn!) to map out our Solar System to scale. Loo roll was used as a measuring device – can you guess how many MILLION KILOMETERS(!!) each piece represents? Pluto would be over by the goals somewhere (if it were still a planet!)

A little later than normal, (due to isolation ), we finally got round to our entry point for our topic, Space Explorers. We built and tested our own rockets: some were more successful than others.

Topic entry point.… We watched clips of rockets and discussed design features. We then planned our design taking into consideration, aerodynamics, friction, streamline, weight and nose shape. Working in pairs we built our rockets. Testing was the greatest part. Ask your child for the name of their rocket and where they came in our …

Half Term Fun | 22 May 2020

We have uploaded a selection of fun activities and reading material to Google Classroom for you to have a go at over half term. There is no expectation for any of this to be completed or handed in, but we know some of our Tranmere families are in the swing of a ‘work’ routine, so …

A huge thank you to all the parents that attended our Parent Drop In on Friday! The children really enjoyed being able to show you what we had been doing in class, particularly in Topic lessons. It was also great to see you helping out with our Science classification activity, the sweets definitely helped!
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