
School Council – Tree Planting | 17 Mar 2022

This week some of our School Council members were invited to help celebrate The Queens Platinum Jubilee. To mark this incredible milestone the children connected with our local community working with ‘Guiseley in Bloom’ and Councillors Paul Alderson, Paul Wadsworth and Graham Latty to plant seven Sliver Birch trees in Springfield Park.

Tranmere Times 11.3.22 | 11 Mar 2022

Woodpeckers – Earthquakes | 11 Mar 2022

This week in Woodpeckers, we have taken a look at how the strength of earthquakes are measured. To begin with, we had a discussion as to how we thought we could measure the strength of earthquakes. We spoke about looking at the damage it had caused to the planet or by thinking about how it …

Kingfishers Eden Camp visit. EXIT POINT. | 09 Mar 2022

Today we enjoyed learning all about World War II. The children really immersed themselves in the day by planning their own route around the Camp. Huts visited included The Rise of Hitler, Home Front, The Street, Bomber Ops, Prisoner of War, Provisions, AFS & Bevin Boys and Forces Reunion. There was also a visit to …

Tranmere Times 4.3.22 | 04 Mar 2022

More Music in EYFS | 03 Mar 2022

Here are some pictures of Bluebirds adding music to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

Keeping fit and healthy in KS1 | 18 Feb 2022

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons learnt about the benefits of exercise for keeping us healthy in Science. They predicted which activities would raise their heartbeat and then tried them out.

Tranmere Times 18.2.22 | 18 Feb 2022

Diversity | 18 Feb 2022

During February we have celebrated diversity learning about and understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences. It has been an opportunity for our children to learn about different artists who represent different communities and discover how they use their talents. We have talked about different types of families and drew different ways …

Music, RE and Art Challenge Morning | 16 Feb 2022

We had a lovely, successful Music, RE and Art Challenge morning in school today. The children learned how to listen to music and represent it through art. They listened to religious music from Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism and created pictures inspired by the music. We were hugely impressed by their concentration, enthusiasm and creativity. …
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