
School Games Mark Gold | 26 Jul 2022

After two years off due to COVID, the Your School Games Mark was back again this year. We’re delighted to announce that we have acheived the Gold Mark standard once again. If you would like to find out more about how we acheived this award, please click on the following link.

Tranmere Times 22.7.22 | 22 Jul 2022

Year 6 Leavers 2022 | 22 Jul 2022

We have had a fantastic afternoon saying goodbye to our Year 6s. The photos below really capture the fun of what was a top drawer send off….

Music Assemblies | 20 Jul 2022

We’ve had some brilliant performances by some of our musicians recently. Our guitar and keyboard players did assemblies for us where they showcased the kind if things they’ve been learning this year. They were all brilliant.

Tranmere Times 15.7.22 | 15 Jul 2022


To confirm, swimming lessons have finished for the summer term.

Humanities Challenge Day | 13 Jul 2022

This afternoon, two children from each class were chosen because they have shown enthusiasm or effort in Geography, History, French or Drama – or ALL of them! We spent some time discussing the history of Bastille Day and why it is celebrated on the 14th of July. Our French expert, Mrs Tate, introduced the children …

Tranmere Times 08.07.22 | 08 Jul 2022

Tranmere Times08.07.22

Y3 Book Explorers | 07 Jul 2022

What a fantastic group of readers! Over the past five weeks Book Explorers club have been  been exploring Mr Penguin and The Lost Treasure by Alex T Smith. We have had lots of fun looking at the characters, adventures and themes of the story. We have played games, including hot seating, the dice of truth …

France Here We Come | 04 Jul 2022

Not much sleep to be had on the coach but we made it to the ferry. Just waiting for the ferry to set sail – all still smiling!
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