
Tranmere Times 11.9.20 | 11 Sep 2020

Tranmere Times 11.9.20

We’re back! | 11 Sep 2020

We’ve had the best week! Looking forward to doing it all again next week too! There’s some important information coming home with the Tranmere Times today so please make sure you have a look. Have a great weekend, Team Tranmere!

A Slight Tweak to Drop Off and Pick Up | 11 Sep 2020

Dear parents and carers, This first week back was always going to be a challenge. We came to it prepared to review and accept that some of the plans we have in place will work well and others will need to be altered. We can see that the morning drop-off arrangements as they stand at …

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Staggered Rota | 09 Sep 2020

We have introduced a rota for school drop-off and pick-up each day. This is one of the measures schools have been asked to implement in order to manage the total number of people on site at any given time. Please can we ask that you only drop-off/pick-up your child/children in the slot you have been …

One-Way System around the estate | 09 Sep 2020

For several years, Tranmere Park Primary School has asked all parents, carers and professionals involved in the school to use a ‘one-way’ system around the Tranmere Park estate in the morning and afternoon. For this to be successful, we need the cooperation of all our neighbours, staff, parents, carers and professionals associated with the school. …

Back to School Information | 03 Sep 2020

Dear Parents, We hope that you have had a good summer period and that you and your families are well. The staff at school are really looking forward to getting back into school and having a school full of children again! Please find here the information that we sent out at the start of summer, …

Training Days 2020/2021 | 21 Jul 2020

Our Training Days in 2020/2021 are as follows… Monday 7th September Friday 20th November Monday 23rd November (EYFS ONLY) Thursday 1st April Monday 26th July Tuesday 27th July Leeds school calendar 2020-21

Thank you | 18 Jul 2020

On behalf of the entire Tranmere staff we would like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful children and families. This year, more than ever, we have been so grateful for your continued understanding and support for the school. The last few months have been an incredible challenge for us all but you …

Farewell to Mr Sutton | 18 Jul 2020

Yesterday we said a fond farewell to Mr Sutton. In the five years he has been with us Mr Sutton has played such a huge part in the life of Tranmere Park and we are all going to miss him very much. I’m sure you all join with us in wishing him every success in …

Tranmere Times 17.7.20 | 17 Jul 2020

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