
Tranmere Times 5.2.21 | 05 Feb 2021

TTR mid-week update. Battle week 4 | 04 Feb 2021

Afternoon, Tranmere. Your TTR mid-week update has come a little later than usual this week. Battle week 4 is being fiercely contested and, therefore, I held off on sending the updates as I wanted to watch the drama unfold. The all important scores at the half-way (roughly) stage are as follows: – Falcons vs Woodpeckers …

Dress to Express – Friday 5th February 2021 | 02 Feb 2021

End of week 3 -TTR update | 01 Feb 2021

Good morning, Tranmere Park. Wow! Another incredible week. RECORD BREAKING (I haven’t actually fact-checked this, but with scores this high, it has to be so let’s just go with it.) A week full of FA cup style upsets once again – sneak preview: Year 1/2 and Year 2 go marching on towards the top of …

Tranmere Times 29.1.21 | 29 Jan 2021

Battle week 3 – Your mid-week update | 28 Jan 2021

Morning, Tranmere. Welcome to your TTR mid-week update. I hope that this message finds you all well. Once again, the battles are building to a dramatic crescendo as we draw towards the end of game week 3. The current scores on the doors: Herons vs Woodpeckers 24,022 vs 13,458 Doves vs Red Kites 23,841 vs …

End of week 2 – TTR update – The week of the giant killing | 25 Jan 2021

Good morning, Tranmere Park. It may have been FA cup weekend, but, let’s be honest, the giant killings and the excitement of the cup was all reserved for the Tranmere Park TTR Champions League. Drama galore! There were some astounding performances once again and some battles to end all battles. Thank you for all your …

Mid-week TTR update | 21 Jan 2021

Morning, Tranmere Park. Here comes your mid-week TTR update – and, one or two of the battles are looking like they are heading towards an exciting conclusion. (Particularly the 3/4 local derby) The all important half-time scores:   Kingfishers vs Falcons 35,571 vs 25,142 Doves vs Skylarks 23,488 vs 4,816 Red Kites vs Woodpeckers 9,995 …

The end of week 1 of the ‘Tranmere Park TTR Champions League’ | 18 Jan 2021

(REMINDER, THE WINNER IS DECIDED BASED UPON CLASS TOTAL AND NOT CLASS AVERAGE) What a nail biting conclusion that was! Some incredibly close battles that went down to the wire (particularly Red Kites vs Puffins, so close!!). Furthermore, the total scores were phenomenal. During the first lockdown, the largest score accumulated by any class (as …

The 5Bs of home learning | 14 Jan 2021

Afternoon, Tranmere Park. I hope this message finds you well and that you have enjoyed your learning from this morning. Monday marked the beginning of our home learning offer and, whilst this will be ever evolving, we are delighted with how it has begun; the work submitted on Google Classroom is now indicative of an …
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