
Sticky water!? | 15 Jun 2021

Falcons found out about ‘sticky’ water as part of the Great Science Share for Schools.

Tranmere Times 11.6.21 | 11 Jun 2021

How can parents support their child in being safe online and on social media? | 11 Jun 2021

A practical guide for parents in setting rules and safety controls at home: Internet Matters Guide Information on some of the most commonly used websites and apps: Online Safety Helpful videos you can watch with your child or games you can play relating to online safety education: Online Safety Videos

Reception Topic Entry Point – BLUEBIRDS AND ROBINS SAVE THE DAY! | 09 Jun 2021

This week, we started our new topic, ‘Superheroes’. After reading the story ‘Supertato’ we got a call from the superhero himself, to tell us that Evil Pea had escaped and was on the loose at Tranmere Park! We transformed ourselves into our own superhero vegetables, created some wanted posters and spyware, then set off to …

Tranmere Times 28.5.21 | 28 May 2021

Skylark Class becomes a Nurse Training School for the day! | 26 May 2021

Our topic this half term has been ‘People from the Past’. Throughout this topic, the children have learnt about 3 famous nurses – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. As our exit point, we turned our classroom into a nurse training school for the day. The children came into school dressed as nurses and …

Eagles Class becomes a Nurse Training School for the day! | 26 May 2021

Our topic this half term has been ‘People from the Past’. Throughout this topic, the children have learnt about 3 famous nurses – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. As our exit point, we turned our classroom into a nurse training school for the day. The children came into school dressed as nurses and …

Reception – Topic Exit Point | 25 May 2021

This week has been our last week learning all about animals in Reception. To start the week, we looked back at all the different things we have learned about looking after animals and their habitats. Then, in light of the hedgehogs we are going to home and look after in school, we decided to put …

Win £5000 of books for School! | 23 May 2021

National Book Tokens are currently running a competition where schools can win £5000 of vouchers for their school library. The more votes schools receive, the greater their chance of winning this fabulous prize! Please help Tranmere Park Primary School by clicking on the link below and voting for us. The voting form can be found …

Tranmere Times 21.5.21 | 21 May 2021

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