
Eagles become golf pros! | 21 Mar 2024

Today, Eagles took part in the second of two fantastic PE workshops. The focus of this session was on golf and on the correct position of the feet when hitting the ball. The children were also taught how to hold the club correctly and how to ‘putt’ the ball accurately towards the flag. The children …

Kingfishers Orienteering | 19 Mar 2024

Reading maps, remembering images in a sequence, finding points, using a dibber to see who can go around the course in the quickest time. A fun afternoon.

Buddying Up – Doves and Herons | 12 Mar 2024

On World Book Day, the children in Herons and Doves buddied up and shared some of their favourite stories. They read to one another and discussed why they chose their book to share.

World Book Day 2024 | 07 Mar 2024

What fantastic book characters we had in Eagles today! We had a busy day reading for pleasure and sharing our favourite books. We buddied up with Puffins to share our reading and got the Y5s to read to us. We took some time to make our own bookmarks using stencils and used these to track …

Kingfishers Blitz Art | 04 Mar 2024

Kingfishers have really enjoyed learning all about The Blitz. I think you will agree that their paintings and silhouettes are outstanding. Please come to Kingfishers classroom to see the display.

Red Kites Science – Heating and Cooling | 01 Mar 2024

Red Kites carried out an experiment to find out what temperature chocolate melts at. They worked in small groups, allocating roles to each other, measuring temperatures and the times it took for chocolate to melt in water of different temperatures. They eventually discovered that chocolate melts at 25 degrees Celsius, which is how it feels …

Eagles Practical Maths – Understanding ‘teen’ numbers | 21 Feb 2024

In Maths today, the children have been focusing on the numbers 14, 15 and 16. We have been recognising the place value of each digit in these numbers and have been representing them in various ways.

Tranmere Times 9.2.24 | 09 Feb 2024

Falcons Science – Non-Newtonian Fluids | 08 Feb 2024

Falcons made and explored cornflour goop which is a Non-Newtonion fluid. In other words, it has different properties and behaves differently to other fluids (Newtonian fluids). When you mix cornflour and water together it creates a suspension, sometimes behaving like a solid and sometimes behaving like a liquid and it’s fun to explore, if a …

EYFS Exit Point – A Celebration of Castles | 07 Feb 2024

Robins and Bluebirds looked amazing today! They çame dressed up as kings, queens, princes, princessses, knights and dragons for our very special celebration of castles. We had a fantastic day taking part in a rotation of activities which included learning a medieval dance, making crowns, building a castle outside and listening to and acting out …
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