
CEOP Parent Info closure | 12 Jul 2021

CEOP Parent Zone are no longer providing their ‘Parent Info’ news feed for us. You will still be able to access a wealth of resources for parents and carers via the Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP websites. Parent Zone sits at the heart of modern family life, providing advice, knowledge and support to shape the best possible …

(We hope) It’s coming home! | 09 Jul 2021

Tranmere Times 9.7.21 | 09 Jul 2021

Reception – Bluebirds enjoy afternoon tea! | 05 Jul 2021

Bluebirds have had a fantastic afternoon enjoying the afternoon tea that they won from the PTA raffle.  Our fancy tea boxes were filled with sandwiches, sausage rolls, fruit and veg, juice (including ginger beer!), cakes and marshmallow treats. We would like to say a huge thank you to the PTA for supplying us with this …

Reception – End of Term Exit Point | 05 Jul 2021

As part of our final Exit Point, we would like to celebrate our time in Reception and become our own little superheroes. On Monday the 19th of July, we would like you to dress up as one of your favourite superhero characters, this could be, Superman, Spiderman, Super-Princess etc. The plan for the day is …

Tranmere Times 2.7.21 | 02 Jul 2021

PTA Spending | 01 Jul 2021

Even though this has been a very strange year and we have been prevented from doing a lot of our usual PTA events, we have still had some phenomenal fundraising. Thank you for all your support in raising money for our school. This year we have been able to purchase 16 iPads for UKS2, a …

Reception – IT’S COMING HOME! | 29 Jun 2021

We have been very busy in Reception today prepping for England’s big game tonight! We’ve talked about what it means to be an England supporter, made lots of posters and flags and of course, sung a lot of ‘Three Lions (It’s Coming Home)!

Tranmere Times 25.6.21 | 25 Jun 2021

Tranmere Times 18.6.21 | 18 Jun 2021

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