
Tranmere Times 3.12.21 | 03 Dec 2021

Amazing PTA and Team Tranmere! | 01 Dec 2021

Thanks to the amazing PTA team and your great support in all our events, our fundraising has enabled us to purchase some much needed items for school.  Thank you. We have bought two new interactive white boards for Eagles and Doves. We have also purchased class sets of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe …

Christmas Concert News | 25 Nov 2021

KS1 Science – Animal Magic | 24 Nov 2021

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons have been learning about animal groups recently. They learned about the characteristics of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians and sorted animals into these groups. Next, they discovered that animals eat different types of food and can be categorised as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. They used the correct vocabulary excellently in …

School gates open from 8.15 | 22 Nov 2021

Parent Forum had asked if school gates could be opened earlier in the mornings to avoid parents and children gathering around the gates and spilling out onto the road on Ridge Close particularly – Mr Bradley has been opening the gates 10 minutes earlier but this still hasn’t resolved the problem. Pre-Covid, school gates were …

Tranmere Times 18.11.21 | 18 Nov 2021

Tranmere Times 12.11.21 | 12 Nov 2021

Lovely feedback! | 12 Nov 2021

Some more lovely feedback received into school today from a local resident about the service at the cenotaph yesterday. I felt very proud to be reading it. Well done Team Tranmere! Dear Mrs Finley, the staff and children at Tranmere Park school,  It was a beautiful service yesterday at the Guiseley cenotaph. I would like to …

Armistice Day | 11 Nov 2021

We’ve just received a lovely e-mail praising our Y6 children who visited the Cenotaph in Guiseley to take part in the Armistice Day ceremony: ”Just a quick note to say how lovely it was to see the Year 6 children attend the Remembrance service at the cenotaph today. They were all very well behaved & …

Shackleton’s Journey | 09 Nov 2021

KS2 really enjoyed listening to the exciting story of Ernest Shackleton’s journey  to Antartica in Reading Assembly today. We particularly liked the names he gave to his 69 dogs!
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