Puffins Homework Homework

Year 5 Homework – 30.1.19

This week, the homework is to complete the Grammar Hammer that was sent home. Stage 5 Check 9 – Answers Please also complete the Maths worksheet that was sent home.

UKS2 Homework

The homework this week is as follows. Year 5 Maths: To complete the worksheet sent home. English: Grammar Hammer – Check 8 Stage 5 Check 8 – Answers Year 6 To work on pages from the SATS Busters books that were sent home.

UKS2 Homework – 07.11.18

This week, we have sent home a Weekly Maths Sheet. Please allow your child to go through this independently and then go through any they may have struggled with. Please find the answers below. The English homework is to create a Christmas poem. A letter has been sent home to explain the criteria that we …

Year 5 Homework – 10/10/18

This week, we have sent home a Grammar Hammer. Please allow your child to complete this independently and then go through any questions that they have struggled with together. Stage 5 Check 3 – Answers We have also sent a Maths sheet home that is linked to what we have been learning in class. Homework …

Year 5 Homework – 19.09.18

Please find attached a copy of the Weekly Maths Sheet answers for the sheet that has been sent home this week. Stage 5 Check 2 Answers The English homework follows on from our Instructions topic. The children can decide whether they complete Task 1, 2 or both. Both are due in on Monday 24th September.

UKS2 Homework – 05.09.18

Please find attached a copy of the Weekly Maths Sheet answers for the sheet that has been sent home this week. Stage 5 Check 1 Answers Stage 6 Check 1 Answers
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