Herons Homework Homework

KS1 Homework – 25.02.19

Year 1 Children have completed Grammar Hammer check 4 today. Please go through any mistakes your child has made with them. Stage 1 Check 4 Stage 1 Check 4 – Answers Year 2  Children have completed Grammar Hammer check 10 today. Please go through any mistakes your child has made with them. Stage 2 Check …

KS1 Homework – 11.02.19

Year 1  This week children have completed Maths Skills Check 3. Please go through any mistakes your child has made and feel free to complete the rest of the sheet as extra. Stage 1 Check 3 Stage 1 Check 3 Answers Year 2  This week children have completed Maths Skills Check 9. Please go through …

KS1 Homework – 5.02.19

Year 1 This week children completed Grammar Hammer skill check 3! Stage 1 Check 3 Stage 1 Check 3 – Answers Year 2 Stage 2 Check 9 Stage 2 Check 9 – Answers

Herons Homework – 28.01.19

Year 2 Children have completed Maths Skills Check 8 this week. Please go through any mistakes with your child and work through the rest of the test if you wish. Stage 2 Check 8 Stage 2 Check 8 Answers

Herons Homework – 21/01/19

Year 2  Stage 2 Check 8 Stage 2 Check 8 – Answers

Herons Homework 14.01.19

Year 2 Stage 2 Check 7 Stage 2 Check 7 Answers

Herons Homework – 7.01.19

Grammar Hammer Stage 2 Check 7 Stage 2 Check 7 – Answers

It’s Christmas….nearly!

KS1 homework for this week, and the Christmas holidays is to revise all spellings that were sent out this term. As well as this we would like ALL children to have a fun, relaxed and exciting Christmas break, they all deserve it! Merry Christmas from all KS1 staff!  

KS1 Homework 10.12.18

We are not setting any worksheets this week for homework as we feel the children have worked extremely hard already this term. Please continue to practise song words and lines from the production. If your child has not completed any topic homework this term feel free to use this time to for them to complete …

Herons Homework 04.12.18

Year 2 This week children completed Maths Skills test 6. Please go through any mistakes with your child, feel free to complete the rest of the sheet. Stage 2 Check 6 Stage 2 Check 6 Answers
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