Herons Homework Homework

KS1 Homework – 09.12.19

Please complete the Maths worksheet provided. Also, the deadline for topic homework is this week Friday 13th December. 

KS1 Homework – 2.12.19

Please complete the SPaG worksheet provided and return to school next week.

KS1 Homework – 11.11.19

Children should complete the maths worksheet provided. We are really working on children forming their numbers correctly. Please encourage them to use the numbers on the sheet to help them know which direction each number should be.

KS1 Homework – 04.11.19

Welcome back! Children have got SPaG sheet number 4 this week.

KS1 Homework 21.10.19

All Key Stage 1 have been given Maths homework sheet this week. Homework to be returned to school on Monday 4th November.

KS1 homework – 14.10.19

Please complete the SPaG homework sheet provided. Homework to be returned next Monday. Please can we remind you that all Topic homework is due in by Friday 18th October, the link is below. Topic Homework Grid-Hooray Let’s go on holiday Autumn 1st 2019    

KS1 Homework – 30.09.19

All Key Stage 1 have been given SPaG homework this week. Homework to be returned to school next Monday.

KS1 Homework 16.09.19

All Key Stage 1 have been given their first SPaG homework of the year. Year 2 will notice these have changed since last year. This new style sheet has taken over Grammar Hammer for years 1 and 2 as we feel they are more child friendly. Please follow the same routine as you did last …

KS1 Homework – 9.9.19

Year 1  This week Year 1 are bringing home a maths activity worksheet covering some of the work we will be doing in maths this term. Please allow your child to complete this as independently as possible – you may read the questions to them. Please return the worksheet the following Monday. You are welcome …

KS1 Homework 1/7/19

Please learn the lyrics to the song by Megan Trainor-Better When I’m Dancing for our ALP art entry. We will be recording it on Wednesday. Please bring your colourful outfit in a bag to get changed in to. We will let you know soon when you can come and watch the children’s performance.
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