Bluebirds Homework Homework

Reception Homework

Over the past week we have read the story of The Grufflo. We would like you to write 2 to 3 setences about the story. Please encourage your child to say their setnence out a loud first and count the words they say. As they then write the words please talk about  finger spaces and …

Reception Homework

This week in maths the children have learnt about addition. Please complete the addition setences. If you would like to challege your child, please encourgae them to use counters from around the house to creatre their own number setences and have a go at recording their answers. This might be by drawing the objects or …

Reception Homework

Over the past week we have read the story of Six Dinner Sid. We would like you to write 2 to 3 setences about the story. Please encourage your child to say their setnence out a loud first and count the words they say. As they then write the words please talk about  finger spaces …

Reception Homework – Maths

This week we have looked at numbers 1-20 and matching the numeral to the amount of objects we  count. We have two activites this week. The first is to match the correct numeral to the amount of spots on the ladybird. Then can you recall how to make numbers 11 -20 using the numicon shape. …

Reception Maths Homework

This week we have looked at ‘The Days of the Week’. Please encourage your child to recite them in order and then see if they can tell you what day comes before or affer. When talking about your weekend see if you can ask your child what they did yesturday or what might happen tomorrow. …

Reception Homework

In phonics this week we have learnt the new sound ‘oi – Noisy boiling water.’ If you would like to extend your child’s learning in this area see if they can draw any pictures or words with he oi sound. Our book for the week is called ‘Jam tarts in the dark’. Please read the …

Maths Homework

This week in maths we have looked at 2d and 3 d shape. Over the weekend see if you can find any objects around the house that are 3d. See if your child can name them and write a label for each object. We have also sent home an activity sheet for you to create …

Maths Homework

Over the past few weeks we have looked at place value, ordering and counting forwards and backwards to 10. If you can complete the sheet by finding the missing missing numbers. Missing number tracks Please keep recapping on recognising  the digraphs sh, ch, th, oo, ar, oo, igh, ng, ee, oa. This weeks shared reading book …

EYFS Homework 23-2-23

Please complete the sheet sent home in bookbags (also below in case you have lost it) Phonics homework 23-2-23

Reception Maths Homework

This week we would like you to talk to your child about time. Please see attached WC 6/2/23 – Reception Maths Homework This week we would like you to talk to your child about time. We have provided some practical activities for you to complete with your child over the half term. These a sheet …
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