Woodpeckers News

After learning all about Fairytales yesterday, we decided to have a go at re-enacting some today! We split up into groups and were each given a different fairytale. We then had to choose a small section from our tales and try to create a scene. Once ready, we presented our scenes to the rest of …

To begin our new unit of Twisted Tales, we have spent the morning looking at Fairy Tales. Initially, we discussed what Fairy Tales are and had a look at some well-known Fairy Tale stories, sharing things that we knew about each one. After this, we started to think about the key features of Fairy Tales …

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries over the past couple of months. We have now collected a total of 6400 batteries! A big thank you also, to our school council team who have been making multiple trips to the recycling points to ensure all of these get …

In music, Y3 have been learning to play the ukulele. Today, they treated Reception and KS1 to a mini concert to show off all of the fantastic things they’ve been learning.

After a slight lie in this morning, and a mad rush to get all packed up and ready for breakfast, we’ve had another fantastic morning. See you all soon!

It’s been a dull day today here in Ingleborough, but that definitely hasn’t dampened our spirits! We’ve had another AMAZING day filled with action, laughs and a LOT of mud and water! We’re currently all just getting ourselves ready for dinner, which will be served tonight by our orienteering competition losers…Result!! We may be a …

Update…we’re country dancing pros! Just tucking into our supper of hot chocolate and biscuits then we’re off to bed. We’ll go straight to sleep, we promise…

We’ve arrived safe and well, and have had a fantastic first day so far! After enjoying some much needed pizza and chocolate cake for tea, we’re currently attempting to make our beds and polishing our dancing shoes ready for some country dancing at 7:30! Wish us luck!

Today is World Poetry Day! To help celebrate, School Council have hosted a poetry writing competition. There were lots of amazing entries and they found it incredibly hard to judge! In assembly this morning, 2 winners were announced… Ruby from Herons and Luca from Woodpeckers. A huge well done to everybody that entered! Below are …

Since Sam the Sea Turtle arrived at Tranmere, School Council have been helping him make his way through school to spend some time in every class. This week, he’s made it to Woodpeckers! This afternoon, we’ve spent some time learning all about Sam’s journey (through school and in the sea) and with the help of …
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