Woodpeckers News

Woodpeckers – Reading | 09 Feb 2022

In reading, we have started our new book called: The Firework Maker’s Daughter. Before we started to read this book, we completed an observe, wonder and infer lesson to spark our imaginations about what might happen in the story. To observe, we used the front cover to write down all the things we could see. …

This afternoon, LKS2 were visited by a civil engineer. To begin with, we learned all about the roles of an engineer and the key skills you need to become an engineer. We also had a discussion about what we think engineering might look like in the future. After this, we learned about the importance of …

Information for parents.

Woodpeckers – Volcano Art | 28 Jan 2022

This week we have been looking at some different volcanic art. Woodpeckers have now created some of their own artwork. Some of the children used felt tips and other used paint to add colour to their volcano artwork.

Woodpeckers Times Tables | 26 Jan 2022

In Woodpeckers this morning, we spent some time focusing on our three times tables. As you can see, we got a bit carried away and it turned into a times tables party! We listened to some catchy times tables songs and showed off our best singing and dance moves. After, we played a few games …

This week in Woodpeckers, we have turned into news reporters, reporting on the latest volcanic eruptions happening on Earth! To begin with, we learned all about how volcanic eruptions happen, discussing each step from the beginning in the magma chamber, to the final eruption out of the main and secondary vents. Then, we set off …

Woodpeckers spent the morning learning about states of matter and how to classify materials based on their properties. Toothpaste remains a contentious issue, but I think we got there in the end!

Today, we read Chapter 3 of the Chronicles of Narnia and discussed how the characters in our story might be feeling so far. In groups, the children were given a picture of a setting which they had to study. The children had to consider the following: What might you see here? What can be heard? …

This afternoon, we finally erupted our volcanoes! Over the course of this term as we begin to learn more about volcanoes, earthquakes and tectonic plates, we will determine what creates bigger and better eruptions. Stay tuned for (hopefully) some much bigger explosions.

Today, we have read the third chapter of our reading book, Captain Crow’s Teeth. In this chapter, our main character, Will, went to the Sprats’ Jig with his brother Marty even though he ‘hates dancing!’ Woodpeckers task was to analyse our main character by considering Will’s appearance and external feelings and his internal feelings. We …
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