Woodpeckers News

This week in LKS2, we have started our new topic, Temples, Tombs and Treasures. As our entry point, we have mummified tomatoes! We are going to be keeping an eye on our tomatoes as the topic progresses, in order to see if we were able to successfully preserve them…ready for the after-life!

In LKS2 this week, we have been rounding off our learning of Planet Earth. To do this, we carried out a DT focused exit point on making kites. To begin, we carried out some research on the famous Homan Walsh. Discovering how he used a kite to make a bridge! This led us to the …

Woodpeckers spent the morning creating miniature water cycles. Have a look at their fantastic efforts below.

This morning, it was Woodpeckers turn to step into the weird and wonderful world of non-Newtonian fluids. Have a look at the pictures below.

Woodpeckers – Earthquakes | 11 Mar 2022

This week in Woodpeckers, we have taken a look at how the strength of earthquakes are measured. To begin with, we had a discussion as to how we thought we could measure the strength of earthquakes. We spoke about looking at the damage it had caused to the planet or by thinking about how it …

This week, LKS2 were visited via zoom by a Geologist named Chris. In this session, we learned all about the role of a geologist and what the future of geoscience might look like. We also recapped our learning on volcanoes and earthquakes and then found out all about what can happen when a volcano erupts …

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and today the children have taken part in ‘Dress to Express Yourself’. We have completed a few different activities today which are relevant to our Mental Health topic this year, ‘Growing Together’. This morning the children drew a portrait of themselves which showed what they look like on …

Today, we said good luck and goodbye to Kate as she moves on to a new school. We know they will absolutely love you Kate, just like we do! You have been an asset to our class and we will miss seeing your lovely, smiley face everyday. Thank you for being you – we think …

This week, we have worked in groups and as a class to produce a WAGOLL. The children worked together to come up with expanded noun phrases, prepositions and similes about two different pictures from Narnia. As a class, we used these ideas to write to paragraphs of setting descriptions. We discussed how we could move …
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