Woodpeckers News

Below are just a few snaps of what Woodpeckers and Red Kites have been getting up to in their recent science topics: Light and Electricity.

Today, we discussing the social hierarchy in Ancient Egypt and the six different classes that made this up: Pharaohs, Officials, Priests, Scribes, Artisans and Peasants. The children were each given a statement and had to decide which class it belonged too. We then listened to some facts about each social class and gathered some more …

We have had a great day breaking the rules in Woodpeckers today. Some of us wore non school uniform, others had crazy hairstyles and we all ate sweets for our break time snack! Thank you to all of the children who decided to teach a lesson today. I think some of you are capable of …

Drum Workshop in Year 4 | 30 Jun 2022

Year 4 were lucky enough to take part in a drum workshop today delivered by the amazing Dom from Artforms Leeds. School was full of the sound of djembe beats! They sounded great. Checkout the short video of Falcons in action on the Music page of our website.

Today in Woodpeckers, we have been celebrating the end of Pride Month. This year, it is 50 years old so it is an extra special celebration! We spoke about why what pride is and why people celebrate it. Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship, to show how far LGBTQ+ …

Today in Woodpeckers, we have been comparing the lifestyles of two Ancient Civilisations. To begin with, we decided on a variety of key categories to research further. We watched two clips to introduce Ancient Sumer and Ancient Egypt. After this, the children worked together to find out key information about the chosen categories. Our next …

This summer, Queen Elizabeth II has her platinum jubilee – the longest reign of any British monarch! In the 70 years that she has been queen, the world has changed in many ways. Each year group at Tranmere Park have researched a decade and created a collage. These collages, collected as one, tell a story …

Red Kites and Woodpeckers have been investigating shadows and silhouettes. Have a look at the pics below.

Today in LKS2, we have had our Muddy Puddle Day which focused on our Topic, Temples Tombs and Treasures. Throughout the day we have engaged in 4 different activities, discovering and learning lots about the Ancient Egyptians whilst also working creatively, collaboratively and independently. Task 1 – Pyramids with Miss Ingram. For this task, we …

This week, we have continued to learn about fractions. Woodpeckers have learned how to find equivalent fractions and have created their own fraction walls to help them. Some children worked in small groups to play a superhero equivalent fractions board game while others practised working out equivalent fractions by completing various worksheets.
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